So I've been trying to get niobe labs done sence black armory, I loved the DLC and still enjoy the content, however I've been hunting the ghost shell sence I've got the sparrow and ship. Apperantly you can get the shell from bergusia ignitions, so what exactly are the requirements for it. Is it incredibly rare on completion, do I need powerful weapons, or do I just need a legendary weapon, or is the olny way niobes torment (if that's the case then the collections tab is misleading)[armory][/armory]
Heyo! You get the ghost shell for completing the Niobe Labs puzzle (the one with seven levels). It's... Difficult, but not impossible. You will need a full fireteam of coordinated members to do it. Here's a guide I found (first one I pulled from Google):
The Ghosh shell is a reward for completing the Niobe labs and doesn’t drop elsewhere.