postmaster isn't storage dummy
Empty out your postmaster
Learn that anything at the postmaster can disappear anytime.
Hey there! The postmaster should not be used as storage since items can leave anytime and get pushed with items coming in. With that being said, Bungie does not replace in-game items that are lost, discarded, or consumed. [quote]* Items held by the Postmaster may be lost if not manually retrieved and stored in the Vault. * Items are discarded from the Postmaster when accruing over 20 "Lost Items" or deleting a Character. * Bungie does not replace in-game items that are lost, or discarded. ([url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12211]Deleted Item and Character Policy[/url])[/quote] https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46166
Nothing, post master is not intended to be used as storage. Bungie won't restore it.