so tutorial is changing, thats good news, because whenever I asked someone: Did you play Destiny 2? Most of the time this anwser came up: Yes, there was some wierd ball that guided me, I shot some purple guys and flew to some city with planet above it and than got lost. So better tutorial is great, BUT one thing is on my mind - when first mission will be different, is canon changing with it? Like which form of first mission is canon one? I guess it will stay the same, but I would like some clarificaton, just to be sure.
Bungie or some lore fanboys - tell me what you think about it, so I have more thoughts to think about.
Love your game, cheers.
Hey there, I believe the canon lore will change slightly, placing New Light guardians as either the original guardian in a different "path" or a different guardian from the Destiny 1 guardian.