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Destiny 2

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9/1/2020 2:26:33 AM

Make Enemy Abilities More Noticeable

In some of my past few games, I've been killed by Nova Bomb outside of it's blast radius. Maybe, the radius is just invisible outside of the actual bomb and it's larger than I expect it to be? But, it would helpful if there was more of an indicator than just my screen slightly turning a shade of purple. It's not just Nova Bomb either. It's things like the Initial Tether Node, Thunder Crash or Burning Maul too. Where they just have larger ranges with no real indication to how big it is until after it hits. Things Witherhoard's aoe flashing greenish-white instead of just being a pool of red, grenades look the same. In things like Overwatch, they have the enemy ablities/aoes all become red. I know there's a slight red color tint to enemy items, but it would he easier to see if my teams grenades were their orginal color, and then there was more of an alt color variation to the enemies.

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