I am playing swords constantly for months now, over 5000 kills only in this season and over 10k last season.... not talking about my overall sword kill number since I own the WLZ... I don't get the damn catalyst dopped!! it is the last one I am missing.... Anybody knows, if it is still dropping or if it is already "gone" due to the fact that Mars will be DCVed? Is there anything to do in special? All posts I read say, it doesn't matter which sword and it doesn't matter which planet (anyhow, did most of them on Mars, just to be sure) Pretty frustrated meanwhile....
EDIT: I finally got it!! So happy! With WLZ in Escalation Protocol lvl 6, destroyed a thrall with tesseract and that cute little yellow triangle dropped on the floor ;) Fun fact: a day later, MIDA-catalyst dropped for me in survival, although I am just on 3.6k... :D
Are you getting kills with WLZ? Or just any regular sword? Because it only drops from getting kills with WLZ.