I know Beyond Light looks solid, but it just doesn’t give the same feeling as this did! Just doesn’t give me that “this is for all the marbles” kind of feeling. I’m excited don’t get me wrong, but what I’ve read on Glassdoor about former Bungie employees and things I’ve heard from my friends who work for other developers is that Bungie’s core values don’t line up properly. They aren’t looking to make the best game and never have. They are looking to make the most profitable game even if it involves cutting corners.
It’s depressing to know that that’s their ideals as a game company, but I guess we have to take it as it is.
Nope, taken king had some bad things, but story wise it was the best. You could run the story and kill Oryx, or you could run kings fall and really kill oryx. The red war could have been amazing, and it just turned out to be a trash story. Lose your light , 15 minutes later you got it back. And the boss fight at the end EPIC FAIL. Maybe next year with witch queen, not many hopes for this year.