Completed the Magnificent Solstice armor set, got the triumph and the white glow, but the "Completed" checkboxes are still on all pieces. Even on new pieces obtained through solstice packages (from the EAZ).
Is this how it is for everyone? I swear I saw a few streamers without the checkboxes on their pieces so am thinking my set is bugged somehow (I didn't wear the boots during my Trials wins but it counted the progress -- could this be it?)..
Relevant petition here for ornaments from year 2 solstice armor:
Update: chatted with a few players and they are seeing the same. I am assuming this is normal/expected behavior then. If anyone completes their armor and sees something to the contrary (no "Completed" checkboxes on all gear pieces), please let me know!
95% sure that you have done everything you can.