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Destiny 2

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Edited by Sûtek, Hive Prismaticist: 6/6/2020 6:38:18 PM
Sûtek, Hive Prismaticist
Sûtek, Hive Prismaticist

Studying Prismatic old

(Fanfic) AUDIO LOG #12 “Familiar Faces”

// PREVIOUS LOGS DETECTED // CREATING LINK TO [url=]AUDIO LOG 5[/url] // CREATING LINK TO [url=]AUDIO LOG 10[/url] // RECORDING BEGINS... SAHVOZ-88: “Why do all these streets look the same? Can’t even tell if I’m going the right way!” // SECOND USER DETECTED: ‘VETRA’ VETRA: “Who even is this guy you’re going to meet?” SAHVOZ-88: “Goes by the name [i]Silas Mori[/i]. But going off his record, it could be a fake identity.” VETRA: “Record?! Voz, you know the trouble we’re in with the Praxic Order! What could possibly be worth the risk of your final death?!” SAHVOZ-88: “Life. Friend of mine helped come up with an idea for something that could heal me on the go, so you don’t need to come out. This guy has got the parts I need. Anyway, don’t worry, I got a guy on the inside covering for me. Calls himself Paradox. Said that he would distract Aunor while I get this done, apparently she hates him just as much as she does me.” VETRA: “Why did I not know about this?” SAHVOZ: “Good question.....well, it’s gonna take a while to find this guy, so I guess I can go over what’s been goin’ on. Turns out the armour Veist gave me [i]was[/i] made from Vex alloys; my sensors picked it up before any major conversion could start. So, now I’m stuck with some old clothes Vund gave me.....been mistaken for a Titan more times than I wanna admit.... Oh, saw Holiday and big blue eating ramen, and I could’ve swore I saw him smile! I didn’t know he even ate, let alone smiled! After all that, I started seein’ wanted posters ‘round the place. Apparently the Hidden or something are after a guy called Ronin, got some good Glimmer in it for whoever brings him in. Thing is, guy’s supposed to have an Eliksni escort or something. Don’t sound too dangerous to me, might take up the job myself. If I can bag him then the Praxics might even get off my case! More recently, started thinking about ways to keep V safe [i]and[/i] get healed in combat. Came down to two options; modify SIVA, or try to build a custom device that uses Light. Went with the latter, obviously.” VETRA: “Wait, how are you going to do that?” SAHVOZ-88: “You don’t need to worry about the details. Anyway, looks like we’re here.....don’t look like anyone followed us.....V, get in here and keep quiet, I don’t want this deal goin’ bad.” VETRA: “They always do...” SAHVOZ-88: “Quiet! *ahem* Silas Mori?” THIRD USER IDENTIFIED: ‘SILAS’ SILAS: “Well well well, if it isn’t the infamous [i]Sahvoz[/i]...” SAHVOZ-88: “You know who I am?” SILAS: “But of course. Everyone knows who [i]you[/i] are....” SAHVOZ-88: “Then you know why I’m here. You got the stuff?” SILAS: “One bag of dead Ghosts, coming right up.” VETRA: “Dead Ghosts?!” SAHVOZ-88: “Let’s see.....yup, looks good. How much?” SILAS: “I beg your pardon?” SAHVOZ-88: “For the Ghosts, how much?” SILAS: “Oh no, you don’t need to pay me anything. No no no, instead, how about a game of cards?” SAHVOZ-88: “Cards, huh? What’s the catch?” SILAS: “If you win, you take [i]those[/i] parts.....” SAHVOZ-88: “And if I lose?” SILAS: “Heheheh, if you [i]lose[/i], then I take [i]your[/i] parts.....” VETRA: “Voz! You can’t be serious?!” // FOURTH USER DETECTED // UNABLE TO IDENTIFY USER ???: “Hey, what’s going on here? SILAS: “Oh? Who’s your little friend?” SAHVOZ-88: “What the? Great.....another Hunter sticking his nose where it don’t belong...look, buddy, there ain’t nothing to see here.” ???: “I’ll be the judge of that.” SAHVOZ-88: “Hey, lets not make this turn hosti-.......” VETRA: “Voz? What’s wrong?” SAHVOZ-88: “Something ain’t” // FIFTH USER DETECTED // UNABLE TO IDENTIFY USER ???-2: “OPEN FIRE!” SAHVOZ-88: “TAKE COVER!!” SILAS: “Now just what have you gotten me into, hmmm? *gunshots* Aahhck....” // THREATS DETECTED // LABELING THREATS AS: ‘ATTACKERS’ SAHVOZ-88: “Great, hope Paradox didn’t need him for anything....hey kid, what’s your name?” ???: “Koran, now call your guys to back off before I make you!” // FOURTH USER IDENTIFIED AS: ‘KORAN’ ATTACKER-1: “Target missed, moving to engage.” ATTACKER-2: “Copy that.” SAHVOZ-88: “Easy there, kid. They ain’t with me. Heh, nice eye trick. Let’s see......three Exos, armoured plating, all assault rifles....” KORAN: “How do you know that?” SAHVOZ-88: “Call it a lucky guess. You know how to shoot a gun, kid?” ATTACKER-3: “Beginning cover fire, advance on target.” *gunshots* KORAN: “Just tell me where to point!” SAHVOZ-88: “Heh, alrighty then. You take the one on the right, I’ll take the left and back. Wait until my signal...” ATTACKER-3: “Reloading...” ATTACKER-1: “Roger, Target located, moving to neutralize.” SAHVOZ-88: “Now!” VETRA: “Sahvoz wait! They’re not Guard-“ *gunshots* SAHVOZ-88: “Phew, that’s one less problem to deal with. V, transmat this bag to my inventory.” VETRA: “SAHVOZ, THEY WEREN’T GUARDIANS!!!” SAHVOZ-88: “I know, but it was us or them, check their ammo.” KORAN: “Devourer rounds? There’s no way you could have known that, who are you?” SAHVOZ-88: “Name’s Sahvoz, kid. And what you just saw? Didn’t happen, y’hear?” KORAN: “Fine.....what’s [i]Kurtz Inc?[/i]” SAHVOZ-88: “What?! Where did you hear that?!” KORAN: “It’s printed here on the side of their heads, I don’t recognize it’s name...” SAHVOZ-88: “I knew they were too organized....she’s found me....that means this was just a scouting party!” VETRA: “Who? Branwyn?” SAHVOZ-88: “No, oh no no no, this is much worse than some random.....look kid, you gotta get outa here. Stay far away from this area, hell, get off-world if ya can and keep away from any groups of Exo, you got that?!” KORAN: “Okay slow down, what the hell is going on?” SAHVOZ-88: “Look, they’ve seen you, so she’s seen you! She’s going to be sending more and more to track you down, and they’re just going to get stronger and smarter each time they come! I need to get outa here....kid, I don’t even have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain. Just get as far away from here as you can!” KORAN: “Will you stop telling me WHAT TO DO!!” SAHVOZ-88: “You’re really starting to grind my gears, buddy *static* [i]I’LL TEAR YOUR HEAD FROM ITS SHOULDERS!!!![/i] *static*” // SIXTH USER DETECTED // UNABLE TO IDENTIFY USER ??? + VETRA: “Just calm down!” ???: “Sorry about that, I’m Silver. Koran has been having these outbursts ever since he was given his Exo body.” // SIXTH USER IDENTIFIED AS: ‘SILVER’ VETRA: “It’s ok, Voz has been glitching like this for as long as I can remember.” SAHVOZ-88: “Is he gonna be ok? He looks pretty shaken over there...” SILVER: “He’ll be fine, he just needs a second.” SAHVOZ-88: “Good. Now I’d love to stay and chat, but I really need to get away from here. You should tell him the same. V, transmat me to the [i]Blackblood[/i]. We can’t risk anyone recognizing our ship.” // RECORDING ENDS... // FUTURE LOG DETECTED // CREATING LINK TO [url=]AUDIO LOG 13[/url]

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