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6/23/2020 10:59:12 PM

More Content needs to be Matchmade

Bungie, You've lost a lot of your player-base over time, which is to be expected for some games, but not for a game of this scale. More people would stick around if they could play more of the content, but so much of your player-base is solo. You have an abysmal percentage of total players who ever tried, let alone beat a Raid 1 time. This is something that PSO2 solved 10 years ago. Just add in audio and visual queues in lieu of requiring mic commands and it doesn't have to be for the hardest level of content, but at least the mid range stuff where actually useful gear and items drop. Additionally add an active wait for raids/dungeons where you can still run around and do things.

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  • Everything should be matchmade. Open the floodgates and let people actually have fun at any time with content they paid for. If you’re against the idea, feel free to get lost to LFG as you’re already doing. You’re not affected at all. Never be against player choice. Ever. Use your brain and actually think.

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    13 Replies
    • Just use the fireteam finder on the app. Matchmaking would be awful for pretty much every activity that doesn't currently have it.

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    • 0

      Lore-meister - old

      No just no....

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    • Edited by Shockwave 989: 6/24/2020 9:58:48 AM
      The blueberries in this game are too brain dead to read the text telling them to bring the two Knights in this weeks heroic contact together, I don’t trust them with anything more complex than a strict or an unfailable six man activity. Seriously, you expect these people to be able to learn auditory and visual cues when they can’t even read text?

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      14 Replies
      • Go to fireteams in this app that you used to make this post. You can make your own fire team or you can join someone else’s fire team. Quite simple and easy to do.

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      • Just use the LFG on the same app you used to write this.

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        9 Replies
        • I just want them to put it in just to see the crazy amounts of whine and cry and rage there would be like 2 days later as people realize the overwhelming majority of matchmade groups will fail the Nightfall/Raid/etc. A solid majority of LFG groups fail. And I’m supposed to believe that the same people who can’t do public events, Menagerie, Court of Oryx, PoE, Contact, Sundial, etc, etc, etc, are going to suddenly succeed when you’re matched with them in Garden of Salvation? Lol okay. Put go ahead. Put it in. Why do I care. Prove me wrong.

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          6 Replies
          • I agree, but matchmaking isn’t all plums and roses. You know where all the leeches are gonna go? The people who want to be carried through activities? That’s right, straight into the ”haha you’re stuck with me no matter what my stats are” matchmaking system. The majority of players who know what to do are still going to use external LFG. The problem isn’t going to be going away, it’s going to change. Instead of rude LFG groups, you get ass-stupid Chucks and thumbless Tommy’s who leave at the first sign of failure. This issue is made greater with endgame PVE content. No need to explain that. Mics are essential for coordination and when was the last time you heard anyone in game chat anywhere?

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            4 Replies
            • [u][i][b]optional[/b][/i][/u] matchmaking

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            • Edited by Erijian: 6/24/2020 6:19:01 PM
              People can't even do Contact properly and it tells you what to do on your screen. It's a waste of resources to add matchmaking to anything dependent on special mechanics in this game.

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              12 Replies
              • That’d be nice. Last raid I completed was taken king before all my friends dropped this game. I’d like to do dungeons, raids, trails but I don’t have friends on here and it’s hard for me to be social and make friends

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                3 Replies
                • You all are very slow.

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                • I agreed with this for raids until I realized that most people can’t figure out how to do contact heroic, though I do believe it should be active for dungeons

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                  4 Replies
                  • OK. Let’s take raids. Do you have a mic? What language do you speak? What checkpoint is this for? Are we doing challenge mode? Is this a divinity run? Are you willing to teach? I suppose all of this could be built into the game, but I prefer doing all that searching and typing on something else. Like a cell phone. It literally took me an hour to do 3 SotP boss checkpoints yesterday using fireteams.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Edited by RavenousLD3341: 6/24/2020 3:04:57 PM
                      Been banging that drum since 2014 personally. Every. Single. Goddamn. Activity. In. All. Of. Destiny. should have optional matchmaking. Meaning you can turn it on or off. Everything. There's no excuse or reason for anything to not have optional matckmaking, at all.

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                      2 Replies
                      • OPTIONAL match making should be there for everything and as long as there is a clear warning that signing up for some content could lead to a sub optimal experience then all players can tune their involvement and preferences. Old topic all issues and points of view been aired a million times but new comment would be appreciated.

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                        1 Reply
                        • [quote]Bungie, You've lost a lot of your player-base over time, which is to be expected for some games, but not for a game of this scale. More people would stick around if they could play more of the content, but so much of your player-base is solo. You have an abysmal percentage of total players who ever tried, let alone beat a Raid 1 time. This is something that PSO2 solved 10 years ago. Just add in audio and visual queues in lieu of requiring mic commands and it doesn't have to be for the hardest level of content, but at least the mid range stuff where actually useful gear and items drop. Additionally add an active wait for raids/dungeons where you can still run around and do things.[/quote] Dont change the content. It should remain hard and balanced as it is. I use xbox lfg and smartphone tools for everything. I have every title and some 250 raid clears. All - pugged. Seriously. But, sure put a match making queue in, with a warning so when it all goes to %#$! You have no one to blame. Then use lfg tools like everyone else.

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                        • Any of Blind well, Escalation Protocol, and Menagerie should have been match made from the start. Instead of building a better Destiny (3) we’re going be choking on the fumes of a title that was flawed from launch and hardly ever got its head above water since. How they can take the perpetual rats nest of problems that has been D2 and [i]commit[/i] to it - make it the de facto “Destiny” going forward - is beyond me. Bungie doesn’t fix problems anymore. Or if they do, they’re drowned out by all the new problems they keep creating. They’re doubling down on this same old way of doing things and I’m not interested anymore.

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                          5 Replies
                          • Raids would be tough, but the Dungeons? Absolutely, not sure why they do not already have it.

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                          • BoopBot you make some valid points and I agree that ever verse should be removed from this game. But Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let’s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta’aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.

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                          • I have been running some prophecy runs with no mic. I think people could do these dungeons via matchmaking easily. Raids? Still no. Raid needs to be heroic menagerie level of easy to have it doable with mm.

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                          • While I get where you are coming from, I just don't see a true matchmaking system working out well for raids at all. The community has more than enough trouble completing far simpler tasks, such as contact events, and things like that. Trying to then get a bunch of people to do a raid, that don't even have mics, would very likely not go well at all. Now you personally may be perfectly fine with potentially failing again and again because of things like lack of mics, and such. But that is unlikely to be the case for at least a small very vocal group. Who would be incredibly likely to complain that the raids are far to hard, that random groups with no mics just can't do it, because the callouts are to complicated, or the mechanics require to much teamwork. And not saying that Bungie would definitely listen to those people, but there is a very real possibility, especially if they are loud enough. Which could then lead to the fun being greatly diminished for other people. Now at the same time, we do already have a few systems in place to help people out. There is of course LFG, but I understand people not being a huge fan of that system, none the less it does exist and can work. Second, and a much better system in my opinion, is clans. There are many clans out there for all kinds of people, including fairly large clans that don't tend to turn anyone away and are more than willing to schedule training raids, I know of at least two or three like that, which are massive, and have a whole request system. The third option is the guided games, it isn't great, there is a lot Bungie could do to improve it, but it is there, and can work. Personally I would much rather see Bungie make big improvements to the guided games system, rather than implement a normal match making system, but that is just me.

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                            4 Replies
                            • Yea match making is soo simple. if you need a good example look at WoW. Beyond the intelligence of Bungie's employees though. the GUI is another example of a mind frozen in the 1990's

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                              1 Reply
                              • I'm not sure about the RAID, but matchmaking for missions like "The chasm of screams" would be very useful for average players like me. In addition, Bungie should continue the tradition of Destiny 1 in terms of releasing missions on RAID locations.

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                                1 Reply
                                • My god the amount of people this week in contact not even reading the left side of the screen, to see it says to bring bosses together to break shields, is amazingly bad. It took me all of 5 secs the first time doing this to figure it out even w/o reading the message on the screen telling me how to do it. They just keep pulling them way apart.... But maybe those 400 AR bullets and 10 rockets will break that shield after seeing immune every single time /sarcasm.

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                                  9 Replies
                                  • There should be OPTIONAL Matchmaking for all team activities.

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