Why not makes this an individual quest?
There were around 900k pve players yesterday, if you had made it 3 completions of each seph event on each planet there would have been far less of a backlash but the community would have still completed roughly the same amount of events in a couple days to a week.
Seph towers are a nice idea in concept, but as a public event they dont match escalation protocol. You're relying on players you cant communicate with to complete objectives and the event is not rewarding.
Furthermore, with the event being split on multiple planets, the players who would like to do it are isolated from one another and you end up with undermanned, uncompleted events at each site.
Esc protocol worked as it was on a small planet with a fast travel zone at each start point and can be completed by an at light, 3 man squad.
The damage has been done though by announcing 9m completions. I would thoroughly recommend its changed to 300k-500k per planet which should should take about a week.
It will magically get completed when the ornament for fellwinters goes on sale at eververse.