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5/8/2020 7:23:14 PM

Blubs fury

The area around the warehouse had become a battleground. Gannathon had just killed dozens of law enforcement along with guards, firefighters, and paramedics in only a few seconds. The warehouse had been reduced to ashes and rubble and Oltoc and his crew were dead. Blub was feeling lots of emotions that he couldn’t control very well. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to cry, scream, or fight, so he just stood there while Gannathon spoke to him. Gannathon: You would think that with all the technology and powers they have here, that they would put up more of a fight. Blub: Why!? What is the point in what you’ve done!? You killed my friend! WHY!? Gannathon: I didn’t want anything getting in my way once I start trying to kill you. Gannathons voice didn’t sound scared at all. Every word he uttered reeked of cockiness, as if he saw the future and knew he was going to win. Blub: I’m gonna RIP YOUR ARM OF!!!! Without thinking, Blub leapt at Gannathons mechanical arm. He was able to hang on while Gannathon swung him into a pile of rubble, and he started pulling on the wires as hard as he could. Gannathon: Your form has provided you with extraordinary defensive capabilities, but your lack of thought in your actions will be your demise. Gannathons arm began to heat up with power. Blub was tugging at the hard plating on Gannathons arm, but the heat got too strong for him. He was about to let go, but a massive blast from Gannathons arm had sent him flying instead. He hit the side of a building and pushed himself off as fast as possible, landing in the middle of the street. He went to charge at Gannathon again, but couldn’t see him anywhere. Blub: GET OUT HERE!!! I will tear your filthy head off!! Just after Blub said that, he was hit from the side by Gannathons right arm, and he slammed into a truck. Gannathon had somehow gotten behind Blub in the small amount of time that he was launched through the air and landed in the street. Gannathon: Your words mean nothing to me. I was created before you, and I was created stronger than you. I should’ve been the Creators crowning achievement..... but they feared me instead. Maybe they should fea- Blub got to Gannathons side and yanked on his right arm as hard as possible. Gannathon went to swing at him, but he dodged and slammed himself into Gannathons mechanical leg. Gannathon stumbled for a moment which gave Blub the chance to try and break his leg. Blub began punching the heavy armor plating with extreme force, slowly breaking it with each swing. Gannathon was able to claw at Blub with both arms, but his tough skin was unable to be cut. Gannathon was a very large being, and Blub was only the height of his leg, but Blub was quite a hefty creature which made him more like an aggressive wrecking ball. Gannathon: You’re quite an annoying little pest, aren’t you? Gannathon lifted his mechanical leg and repeatedly slammed it into the ground. Every impact destroyed the asphalt under it and let out shockwaves of heat. Blub was about to rip open his flesh where the wires went into, but the force of the shockwaves along with the heat became too strong for him. He backed away from Gannathon before he had a chance to claw at him again. Gannathon: I would love to stay and play some more with you, but I actually have more important things to do. Blub: You stay right where you are! I’m not finished with you yet! Gannathon: You really have a death with.... Blub went to attack Gannathons leg again now that he had slightly weakened it. Unfortunately, Gannathon dodged his attack and teleported away from him. Blub still hadn’t given up yet, and he kept running at him. Gannathon was too fast for Blub and was able to make short and quick teleportations to escape him, and running as he teleported made him even faster. Blub was absolutely furious, but he couldn’t waste his energy chasing something down that was that much faster than him. Blub: What was going through the Creators heads when they made him? There were sirens in the distance and large ships advancing to the scene. Blub knew that they would think he was the one who attacked, so he didn’t stick around for long. Using his CosmiCloud to give him a boost, he got as far away from the warehouse as possible and took the long way back home.
#blub #Offtopic

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