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Destiny 2

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5/4/2020 12:04:08 AM

What about the destination armor sets?

Let me open this by stating how glad I was to see a lot of Year One armor being [i]not only[/i] brought forward into the current meta, but also the recent (and much needed) seasonal mod upgrade to multiple sets. ESPECIALLY the Escalation Protocol gear. I know quite a few others who were just ecstatic about that upgrade. Additionally, I like that the Mercury & Mars armor sets were given mod slots to match their respective seasons. But from this last bit has brought a new issue: [b]this armor is a huge pain to grind for[/b]. I’ve begun noticing this as I’ve tried to obtain some of the BrayTech suit legs for my Titan. Unlike Zavala or Shaxx who take a mere 20 tokens, Ana requires something around 80 materials. And where there are 5 daily strike/crucible bounties granting 5 tokens each (not to mention weekly bounties granting 15), a destination vendor has 3 dailies that grant 10 materials each. And in the [i]particular[/i] cases of Mercury & Mars, the ones with those seasonal mod armor sets, not many activities bring you to these areas when they aren’t Flashpoints. [spoiler]Aside from aspiring Wayfarers still needing that rocket launcher from Nokris, hah.[/spoiler] Now, let me first clarify that it’s not getting the planetary materials that poses a challenge. Yes, it does feel rather slow, but I suppose if you’re dedicated it’s manageable. Personally, I feel like the bounties offer so little a reward that you’re better off just dumping Shards into Spider. Maybe that could be looked at. However the materials are obtained, there’s still the actual payoff of turning them in. I brought in about 400 materials to Ana, and of the 5 items I received only one was a piece of armor, and not even the right piece. The other 4 were old weapons from the Warmind expansion, which without newer perks or the ability to mod them (an additional concern for another post), they’re really only good for dismantling. And now all I can do is just try, try again. In a current state of the game where the season pass, the seasonal activity, and the holiday event all feel like a long grind, why should this be one too? It’s already a little disheartening that most of the other unique destination sets lack seasonal mod slots, but blowing through hundreds of materials and not even getting much out of it can feel downright frustrating. Isn’t there a better way? Tl;dr: thanks for revamped armor sets, destination bounty rewards seem weak, desired destination gear feels more difficult to obtain than necessary

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