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Edited by KAMIKAZE HOOLIGAN: 4/28/2020 1:56:20 AM

Bungie... WE ARE DONE!!!!

The state of this game is ridiculous, and what is more ridiculous is you have yet to do anything about it. I as well as so many other Vets who have supported you since the launch of D1, who have poured so much of our income into this game, are fed up with this Bullshit. We have reached our breaking point and are ready to part ways. Your biggest mistake was making this game F2P. Your second biggest mistake was choosing not to listen to your community and dragging your feet on doing anything about the problems surrounding it. The fact that you have acknowledged it are still undecided in what to do about it is appalling. Obviously what you said in the last TWAB should have been a no brainer about locking Trials behind a paywall, and limiting who has access to it. You would rather Cater to the F2P players, than support your Veteran Players who have supported you since this game was released. You already knew the state of Comp with all the hacks before you released Trials. This season has been a joke, and all that is really enjoyable is PVP. However, we can’t even enjoy that as there is so much F2P scumbags that have to cheat their way to greatness while shitting on the people who have dumped Hundreds in not Thousands of dollars into supporting you. The fact that all you have to say is you are "Contemplating changes in future seasons"?!? That isn’t good enough, and we aren’t staying around to find out. I hope you are happy and I as well as many, regret ever spending a -blam!-ing Penny on this game. Just to constantly be slapped in the face while you continue to allow this bullshit to continue. We have agreed to stay until this weekend.. come trials this weekend, if you have made no attempts to put anything in place such as a paywall, or a Hour restriction, WE ARE DONE! We will not continue to sit Idly by as you continue to cater to the people who don’t support you, while turning your backs on the ones who have for years. Open your -blam!-ing eyes. These -blam!-s have no problem spending money on Hacks, so there should be no problem with a paywall. It may not stop all of it, but it would certainly limit it, especially coupled with an hourly in game restriction. The only people who would oppose this is the people who do not support you, and the people who are causing this very problem. Fix it by this weekend or my entire clan is Done for good (83 Members). We will not negotiate nor wait any longer and honestly I am surprised we have held out this long.

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  • I head up a 80-90 member clan. I quit a few weeks ago because of the state of the game (yes my game history shows I jumped into help someone the other night, I'm speaking general nightly play). I check out our discord, and still chat with clanmates while I'm on other games and I'd say 80% of our clan quit. Or if they didn't quit, they're not playing near what they were. Here's the thing. Bungie doesn't care. They can have DMG come on here defending the decisions of the team, making excuses for the devs incompetence, keep telling us "that the team is listening", but it doesn't amount to anything. I'd personally hate to have his job right now. Just let the numbers talk. Throw out some feedback, but the only way to force their hand is to quit, not buy anything from the store (I really wanted the cookbook too), and actually do something they have to notice. Nothing is going to change as long as people support bad decisions.

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    • Bye

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      So I'm still going to be playing because I spent money on this game but after the end of Destiny 2 I'm not going to be supporting Bungie anymore on any further future titles they slowly become a company that you can't trust anymore with questionable decision making

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    • I support this content. Bravo. But honestly bruh, they don't give 2 shits about you or the 83 others who will leave. Its arrogance. They think their shit don't stink and they walk and water and people continue to back them and buy garbage so it won't change until the game is nothing but Asian account recovery companies.

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      • You'll be back

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      • Haha what?! So over the top ! There’s no way all 83 members are active anyways .

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      • I'm not done yet you dont speak for me

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      • Why are people being so dramatic? The games been in worse conditions and right now it’s still playable. I agree there’s still a lot to be done. Just think of the situation Bungie is in right now. They have had to delay Destiny 3 another year because of the split with Activision. They are also working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The game I’d argue was in a worse condition the first 6 month of destiny 2 in my opinion. Don’t understand why you have to be so dramatic and hurl insults at them. Give them constructive feedback and take a break of the game as is sounds like you’re burnt out

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      • Ooooooooh an ultimatum! Bungie going to listen now.

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        7 Replies
        • Give us the name of all 83 members and we'll check to see if they've deleted their accounts by your proposed date Unless you're... Lying, of course?

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        • So you are the absolute voice of the community? Spoiler: You are not.

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        • [quote] Fix it by this weekend or my entire clan is Done for good (83 Members). We will not negotiate nor wait any longer and honestly I am surprised we have held out this long.[/quote] This is probably the most ridiculous and funniest thing I’ve read all week

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          5 Replies
          • They listen to twitch streamers[spoiler]im the one who called it[/spoiler]

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          • I'm a day one paid player and the 2nd biggest problem is whiners like you and the 1rst is BUNGIE who listens... Just like HALO you've it ruined for all. Not just you baby's worrying about KD...

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          • If 80-90 people leave that just a drop in a vast ocean for bungie, I doubt they’d even notice. To fix this game we’d need a mass exodus.

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            • Hey everyone! This guy and his clan are going to quit the game! ... See, no one cares

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            • Yeh I dont mean to sound as being not sympathetic to your plight but. You dont posess the Kill switch Bungie does in fact they simply can just flip the switch on anyone's account and your not able to play or do anything. You forget who is in charge, they are. Okay so the game has problems it aint perfect but what is? A Guardian Never Gives Up In The Face Of Impossible Trials. A Guardian Pushes Through It. It was said once “There is no Cabal word for ‘retreat.’ Stand fast against them, or perish in their wake.” —Commander Zavala. There is no word for "quit" either, it simply is not in a Guardians vocabulary either. Nor is it something that a Guardian would ever consider either. A True Guardian is one that stays through all the crap no matter how bad it gets. We Push Back The Darkness. Quitting Is Not Option B. Guardians Only Know Option A: FIGHT!!

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            • So you're giving them an ultimatum of "fix it your way or you quit"? Ok. Better luck with your next adventure.

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            • you should've noticed that bungie doesn't care about it's customers

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            • A million daily players says they are not done. And to you its time for a new game.

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            • [quote]The state of this game is ridiculous, and what is more ridiculous is you have yet to do anything about it. I as well as so many other Vets who have supported you since the launch of D1, who have poured so much of our income into this game, are fed up with this Bullshit. We have reached our breaking point and are ready to part ways. Your biggest mistake was making this game F2P. Your second biggest mistake was choosing not to listen to your community and dragging your feet on doing anything about the problems surrounding it. The fact that you have acknowledged it are still undecided in what to do about it is appalling. Obviously what you said in the last TWAB should have been a no brainer about locking Trials behind a paywall, and limiting who has access to it. You would rather Cater to the F2P players, than support your Veteran Players who have supported you since this game was released. You already knew the state of Comp with all the hacks before you released Trials. This season has been a joke, and all that is really enjoyable is PVP. However, we can’t even enjoy that as there is so much F2P scumbags that have to cheat their way to greatness while shitting on the people who have dumped Hundreds in not Thousands of dollars into supporting you. The fact that all you have to say is you are "Contemplating changes in future seasons"?!? That isn’t good enough, and we aren’t staying around to find out. I hope you are happy and I as well as many, regret ever spending a -blam!-ing Penny on this game. Just to constantly be slapped in the face while you continue to allow this bullshit to continue. We have agreed to stay until this weekend.. come trials this weekend, if you have made no attempts to put anything in place such as a paywall, or a Hour restriction, WE ARE DONE! We will not continue to sit Idly by as you continue to cater to the people who don’t support you, while turning your backs on the ones who have for years. Open your -blam!-ing eyes. These -blam!-s have no problem spending money on Hacks, so there should be no problem with a paywall. It may not stop all of it, but it would certainly limit it, especially coupled with an hourly in game restriction. The only people who would oppose this is the people who do not support you, and the people who are causing this very problem. Fix it by this weekend or my entire clan is Done for good (83 Members). We will not negotiate nor wait any longer and honestly I am surprised we have held out this long.[/quote] Third mistake was leaving Activision.

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            • Just not going to read all of that and go into the reply’s first

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                The first line of the last paragragh made me chuckle. I guess you and toir clan wont be playing this game after this weekend.

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              • 🤡

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              • Why announce it? Just quit. I did. No reason to announce it

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                • Just quit then. No need for attention.

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