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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
4/16/2020 3:00:13 PM

Personally, this is why I'm not having fun.

I would like to preface this by saying that I'm just saying my peace, not trying to rant here. Sharing my commentary on why Destiny 2 is becoming less and less fun for me. Ease of use in video games has always been the go to for new people to the game. Ease of use for weapons is tied to forgiveness when it comes to accuracy (precision damage) or range (map positioning). I am by noooOoOOo means a competitive gamer guy, I do this to pass the time and have been PLAYING moreso during COVID. BUT, I feel like right now there is nothing for me to do about using weapons a casually like to use, scouts, fusion rifles, slug shotguns, and even hand cannons like 140s and 180s. In D2Y1 Curse of Osiris, likely the driest piece of content the Destiny franchise has seen, the West of Sunfall 7 was such a fun gun to use in pvp that wasn't overpowered and still felt competitive and it kept me playing. In current time however, if I'm not using a 600rpm auto rifle I feel like I'm not playing the same game as even then, much less the nostalgia of Destiny 1 and my Choleric Dragon. In those times, D2 years 1 and even 2, and Destiny 1 Year 3, I felt like a decent casual player like myself could remain competitive with almost any gun without having an extremely niche skill set or just being so overwhelmingly good at the game that I could use anything and beat anyone. Tying this back to weapon forgiveness and the current weapon meta, it's no wonder why we see so many Hardlights and Suros Regimes. Hardlight literally awards you for misses because you get bonus damage on top of a simply ridiculous time to kill via ricochets with no damage falloff due to poor position. Most 600 rpm autos right now have and extremely fast ttk as well as high body shot damage that do the same to a lesser extent. If you don't believe me that this creates what I've started to call an "exclusive meta," look at the usage rates for 600 rpm autos in the crucible. I'm not saying that all weapons should perform the same, what I am saying is that when the meta is like it is, where the ease of use and top ttk are close to an intersect, it makes for less variability, variability that keeps people using the weapons that they have fun using.

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