To start things off, you ain't gonna get anywhere anytime soon. Crying for nerfs and balances that won't come until the next sandbox update in months.
Also the Hard Light is not that strong it can easily be out gunned by a skilled hand cannon user or a good amount of autos and smgs up close. The only time the weapon is strong is when the EXOTIC perk is being used. The point of an EXOTIC perk is to make an exotic weapon feel unique and special to anything else. The part of the weapon that you guys hate is the fact ricochet rounds do extra damage. Which yes that is strong don't forget that you don't have 100% control where those rounds are going.
Another thing, if you guys get this weapon nerfed into the ground like anything else that perfoms the way as intended, you are going to destroy this weapon in PvE activities like everything else that's been nerfed due to overused complaints to nerf instead of bringing other weapons up to that level. This weapon and other auto rifles are finally in a good spot in PvE and if they get nerfed into oblivion they're going to be useless again.
Last little thing, I can guarantee that 75% of the people who are complaining about Hard Light never had to deal with a Doctrine of Passing in its absolute prime back in TTK on D1.
Yeah theres no defending a 49 round spray gun with 100 aim assist, 100 stability, ricochet bullets and double damage on said ricochets. None. Its the #1 trials weapon for a reason. It'll be nerfed, until then let's enjoy the low skill gap meta.