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Edited by Saber-2: 9/11/2019 9:18:11 AM

The Road Long Forgotten pt5

It has been a few days since Saber-2 started his long trek. He made progress in his journey, for he felt he attraction to his lost soul piece grow stronger. In the distance, He could see a dark shape rising from the ground, like a dark castle in the old tales. However, the fog raced towards him. Something was not right about it. Tube-like shapes twirled inside of the fog, alive and hungry. A horrible clamping of jaws could be heard. Saber-2 had no rest, for he was worried that the fog would catch him and envelop him. He outraced it for two days, but now the price of endless marching took its toll. He could barely lift his feet, which were numb from the running and walking without shoes. Eventually, Saber-2 stopped his race, for his new flesh-bound soul needed rest. He quickly fainted from the exhaustion. In a few hours, Saber-2 woke inside the fog. He jumped up nervous. He heard something. A evil presence knew he was here A low rumbling emanated from inside the ground. Something huge and alive burrowed its way to the surface. Suddenly, the creature bursted out of the ground. It was a Deepworm. It was gigantic, it had no eyes to see light. The Deepworm’s jaws were huge, with endless rows of sharpened incisors inside of its mouth. The body of the malevolent beast was black. It’s transparent skin seemed to barely be able to contain the sheer amount of muscle lurking underneath. The Deepworm dove to strike! However, Saber-2 managed to dive away from the blow. Quickly, the unholy beast reared its disgusting head and charged towards Saber-2. In a moment of panic, Saber-2 raised his blue, glowing sword at the worm. As the worm barreled towards its prey, he slashed downwards. The blade hit its mark! The head of the beast was severely wounded, a black oil-like blood seeped from its cut. Unfortunately, the Deepworm was not finished. It reoriented itself and charged again! Saber-2 slashed the beast again, hoping to find a deadlier mark. It was a success, for his sword tore through the monster’s skin, and plunged into its flesh. With a shriek, the Deepworm died, its corpse flailing for a second, then laid still. Saber-2, wounded from the encounter, noted the color his blood, which was also a oil-like dark color. However, it was not black like the worm’s, but blue. The dark blue blood slowly dribbled onto the cold earth of the Deep. After a few minutes, Saber-2 dropped onto the ground, exhausted. Without realizing it, his head fell onto the ground, ready for the embrace of unconsciousness. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep. However, two things happened as he slept. First was a black, shadowy substance, the essence of the Deepworm, trickled from the remains of the Deepworm. It pooled into a small puddle of deep black, then it moved towards Saber-2. Agonizingly slow, the liquid crawled onto Saber-2 and seeped into his wound. The essence of the Deepworm was then absorbed by his soul as a sacrifice to the dark powers Saber-2 wished to reclaim. The second thing was, during Saber-2’a dream. He saw a woman. She was fairly pretty, but blood was splattered over her clothes. She offered her hand to Saber-2 and said: “We know your potential Saber-2, once called Sabernus. We can help you grow and thrive. Join the Deep. Join the Seven, we can make you who you were meant to be.”

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