I am curious as to what went into the decision to take the Flawless Run of Garden out of the Enlightened seal. Garden, with enough practice, is a fairly simply, and yes, dare I say it, a fun raid. I would have thought you would have taken the flawless run away from Last Wish due to its time to complete and jumping puzzle, or maybe Crown, but not Garden. I mean, was it as simple as the community complaining enough, too many jumping puzzles, etc.? I stand behind a lot of what Bungie does and their changes, but sometimes I think you guys are illogical and need some kind of reassurance someone at the helm is making great decisions. Anyone have proof as to why the change was made or has any ideas?
It has nothing to do with complaining. We complain about SoS being broken and several other coding issues and they are ignored. It must be something like the Gambit triumphs (win a match in a full set of gear) where people are completing it but not getting credit for the completion. In that case its easier to remove it then manually [from the seal] than give credit to those documenting that the flawless happened.