So now that basically everything requires a team, (cuz I can’t Even solo a seraph tower) and progress In The game, What do I do now? Im a full time dad with a full time job and when I actually have a moment I need to just be able to turn on and go. I can’t do that anymore, I Love this game but I literally had to shelf it right now. Bring back some soloability would you?
Pc or console? Pc LFG has 200k players, all you have to do is post your join ID in an LFG and you’ve got 10 people in orbit with you. Console but trickier but still quick to make a post and invite those who respond. You will save time by taking the time to seek out other players. If you wanna play solo I’d recommend Doom eternal which is releasing soon. Destiny has always been a multiplayer game with the option to tackle activities solo, not the other way around.