So now that basically everything requires a team, (cuz I can’t Even solo a seraph tower) and progress In The game, What do I do now? Im a full time dad with a full time job and when I actually have a moment I need to just be able to turn on and go. I can’t do that anymore, I Love this game but I literally had to shelf it right now. Bring back some soloability would you?
Sort of same situation. Tried clans but every invite I got, they all simply ignored me, used for clan xp, and that's it. I don't see many real reasons to play since the seasonal model got going. It's getting to be less and less each season. Now? I have to lone wolf it. Due to that, I don't want to level. Do not care about the raids anymore (too many nasty people who can't just have a good time). Could not care less about pvp, as it became stupidly easy and boring as hell. Thankfully, there are plenty of other games to return to.