Dude you are the problem with this community in a nutshell.
And what exactly is that? A veteran player who loves a challenge and to help other players push themselves and become better and or get hard content done the right way without using cheeses or glitches to achieve such tasks. The problem with community is people who when they can't do something hard or complete something in less than an hour their move is to go complain about it on forums until it's nerfed or they get carried through it. Instead of trying to bring hard content down to your level why not strive to bring your skill level up to it. If you want that gear then set yourself a long term goal to become good enough to get it. Trust me it feels good to achieve goals and even better to be good enough to help other people beat it too. And not by carrying them but by teaching them to do it themselves after you've gone and who knows maybe even continue the cycle and teach someone else. *sarcastically* yes I'm a terrible person to have in this community. You people can't change the game but you can change yourself and your attitude.
It’s crazy how anything that challenges these people and their world view or provides a different perspective that involves “work harder” is toxic and what’s wrong with things haha
There are people who prioritize family, work and real life's challenges. If you are so privileged as to prioritize a game's challenge over life then good for you, I envy you and I wish you all the best. But there are people who just need to relax and enjoy with a game and feel rewarded just for shooting some stuff for the tinny little time slot they're permitted to do so. Destiny is a great game and should cater for the solo and the casual because whether you like it or not, these players are the base of the community (as in every other game). You, and your try-hard friends are just some cherries on the top.
I play 5 hours a day after I get home. If you haven't got time to play then don't but you can't expect to have the same loot as the top 1%.
[quote]I play 5 hours a day after I get home.[/quote] oof.