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3/15/2020 5:21:58 PM

Solo players Can’t progress

So now that basically everything requires a team, (cuz I can’t Even solo a seraph tower) and progress In The game, What do I do now? Im a full time dad with a full time job and when I actually have a moment I need to just be able to turn on and go. I can’t do that anymore, I Love this game but I literally had to shelf it right now. Bring back some soloability would you?

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  • amen

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  • I work full time. Main a hunter . Almost 1000 light. First bunker pretty much done upgrading....

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    6 Replies
    • Feel with you mate. I only game during the day 8 am - 5pm CET, and not in weekends. So even matchmaking often puts me solo into strikes, or with partial teams in crucible/gambit. Progressing is so frikking slow. And trying a legendary lost sector at LL 975, is impossible. I am part of a big clan, but 80% of the PC players are US, and therefor asleep. This game has made a turn for the worst

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    • Edited by Ryder_NFL: 3/16/2020 10:34:59 AM
      Almost everything is possible Solo, you can still Level with Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Powerful Gear Only Pinnacle Activitys require a Team (Trials of Osiris, Raids, Dungeons, 100k Nightfall, Higher Tiers of Nighfall The Ordeal and Higher Tiers of Nightmare Hunts and Legendary Lost Sectors). Public Events like Altar of Sorrow, Blind Well or Seraph Tower are possible if Blueberrys are there (There won't be any Problems to find Blueberrys, there are enough).

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      5 Replies
      • I’m in the same boat but have a little more time however I’m locked out of trials and can only play solo comp. No one will pick me up because I have a negative kd even though I beat players with a positive kd all the time. I get stuck with teammates my level or lower and play against legend ranks almost every single game so my kd went to shit. As a solo player I try lfg and the app and every team I try to get on says, “you have to have positive kd. I even joined a PvP clan and they, shit you not said they didn’t have time and they’ll help me out during the week because they’re busy with Trials!!! WTF, I mean Trials isn’t active during the week and I do t need help I need a team. This game isn’t even worth it anymore the people that play are nothing but elitist, self absorbed dicks that instead of helping they’ll ridicule you non stop and tell you, you suck. Im about ready to hang it up after six years.

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        8 Replies
        • "Can't progress" in what exactly? Are you talking specifically about PvP and perhaps even more specifically about Trials? For PvE, as a solo, I haven't yet seen any particular barrier to progression (apart from the fact that the grind for Warmind Bits/Chipsets is so interminably slow).

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        • The problem is that Trials was not part of the Season Pass. Smart move by Bungie as it’s not really part of Season of the Worthy on paid content. So those complaining about the dreadful content we paid for actually do have new activities to play that does have some solo content. But high level rewards are for match made activities. So forget it if you are Solo. You will Never get the game experience or rewards. I would almost be ok if Trials had Adept for season pass holders as some way of acknowledging those customers who actually paid for the content. As it’s free to play trials then those who paid for season pass are SUBSIDISING those who did not. The intent from Bungie is there but execution is poor. With the outbreak globally it’s going to have impact on there resources so for now we have to suck it up and hope it gets fixed.

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        • Endless number of bounties, planetary and others. Strikes, Crucible, Story missions, Heroic and other. What you seem to be saying is you want to "rocket" up in a game built on the GRIND. Bottom line, if you`re not having fun playing and want the game fixed to suit you.. You`re the problem.

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        • Sort of same situation. Tried clans but every invite I got, they all simply ignored me, used for clan xp, and that's it. I don't see many real reasons to play since the seasonal model got going. It's getting to be less and less each season. Now? I have to lone wolf it. Due to that, I don't want to level. Do not care about the raids anymore (too many nasty people who can't just have a good time). Could not care less about pvp, as it became stupidly easy and boring as hell. Thankfully, there are plenty of other games to return to.

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        • Yeah it’s weird, I mean it’s not that different than the freelance mode in comp.....

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        • Or just quit like most semsible people have :0 its not a good game now

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        • Edited by SpectralXIV: 3/16/2020 9:04:12 AM
          I work full time as a Landscaper and I can manage to get hours up on games

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        • Agreed I work 50 hours a week and have a family why should I have to grind the power level cap just to play trials also connection in pvp is totally wonky its ridiculous reminds me of cod and how incredibly inconsistent the game really is I'm to the point of just playing something else

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          1 Reply
          • Solo player like you bud. Lov this game and really starting to enjoy pvp as my skills increase. Would have loved it if trials had a solo play option and kept the team made matches for the hardcore Gods “T.V” One idea, if a solo player gets a high score they could join a cue for teams looking for a third player. Anyhow I get how this kind of stuff takes a lot of coding but again pretty bummed I won’t get to jump in trials and get all that sweet loot. :D :(

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          • You can solo literally everything in the game expect raids and trials. Funny how you have the time to cry about it on forums but no time to play.

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            31 Replies
            • You can't solo, and unironically the sweatiest activities aren't giving better rewards. So the game's trying to cater to casual friendship? Not "hey, let's push one another because we can be great"?

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            • It's unfortunate that you were solo at a seraph tower but being a public space, I tend to find a decent amount of people there when it's started up.

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            • I agree with you. This season is total garbage and judging by how blown up the forums are atm, a large amount of people feel the same way. I am mostly a solo player, but also play with family and friends when possible. I have also played with groups and lfg. Guild is pretty much dead now or moved to pc and I can't stand going to lfg for an activity I should be able to finish in ten or fifteen minutes by myself. I've played since D1 beta and this is the worst I have ever seen this game. The so called content is just bad. Haven't logged in since day one of season ten.

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            • Whats so hard about joining a clan to help you get players to do stuff with? Its super easy

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              2 Replies
              • As you get higher it gets easier... only bit of trouble I had is legendary lost sectors... As level up bunker you get frames and valkeries to use in there... why not try LFG like most solo players do...

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              • Get a PC and suddenly you can solo almost everything!

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                • the only things your mising out on are the game mods with a heavy focus on team-play, so your not missing out on anything that you can do anyways... unless your complaining about getting the loot, in which case, why do you even care? your not trying to do end-game anyways, so whats the difference between getting omniscience and running menagerie for twilight oath god-rolls?

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                • Play Competitive Crucible. Survival: Freelance. Fastest way to level up. Then you can Solo content again. You don’t even need to win to get good drops

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                • [quote]So now that basically everything requires a team, (cuz I can’t Even solo a seraph tower) and progress In The game, What do I do now? Im a full time dad with a full time job and when I actually have a moment I need to just be able to turn on and go. I can’t do that anymore, I Love this game but I literally had to shelf it right now. Bring back some soloability would you?[/quote] You have to be kidding me. Would you go into Rainbow 6 Siege ranked playlist and complain about not being able to play the game solo? So much of this game can be soloed besides the raids and trials. Even the COMPETITIVE PVP Playlist has a solo option. I can understand being upset about trouble finding people to do the Seraph towers with because we already agreed finding groups for Escalation Protocol was ridiculous, but come on man. This game is 90% soloable and the Seraph Towers are soloable if you can upgrade your bunker to get things like the Super Valkyrie, Heavy Frame, etc. Wanna get the best out of this game? Wanna get the exclusive loot? Find a team.

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                • I’ve ran into several people in plenty of occasions to run a seraph tower. You’re posting on the app, how about to stop being lazy and LFG shit.

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                • There's something here for everyone. You're not supposed to be able to do the most Pinnacle of activities, if you're not seriously invested in this game. It's been this way from the beginning, and will continue to be this way. Just enjoy your slice of the overall Destiny experience.

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