So, after the release of Taken King in D1, random rolls and weapon infusion throughout the rest of the games life is what kept me engaged and involved with the game. I never ran out of material to grind for, mainly because I was always looking for new and creative ways to gear up for whatever new events came down the line from Bungie. D2, was such a departure from the system I loved that I set the game aside with no intention of returning, however the changes made in Forsaken and Shadowkeep were so overwhelmingly positive, I repurchased the game for PC on steam, and am currently undertaking the grind for new and exciting legendary weapons. With the return of weapon retirement that we saw in the transition of D1 year 1 to year 2, being implemented as a permanent feature for the remainder of D2’s life cycle, I have zero incentive to continue playing. This system essentially devalues any work put into acquiring a specific roll through hours of dedication, thus making continued gameplay pointless. Myself and many of my friends love to spend hours playing Destiny, when we have something to show for it. By retiring weapons, you take that away, along with the motivation to continue playing. If this change does get permanently implemented, I do think this will be the last straw for my faith in the franchise, and will most likely hang up the space magic for good this time. I do hope Bungie heavily considers another way to move forward with weapon economy, because taking away hard work from your player base isn’t the way to do it. With all respect, thank you Bungie for the hard work you’ve done so far, I just beg you not to do this.
I feel somewhat the same, its one thing for the choice of leaving it behind and going after something else being yours, another is spending only RNJesus knows how long farming for a specific roll on a specific weapon just for it to be left behind so bungie can re sell a lazy edit/re-skin of it as a new thing for you to go after, something that not only does bungie track record shows they will do it but they also stated they would do so in the director's cut