...By reimbursing me for the 2 lost comp matches due to being disconnected. I was at 5344 glory for the first time ever. And on a 10 win streak for the first time ever. Seriously, check my history. https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/profile/xbl/Modern%20Leper/detailed#
I got DC'd from one game (weasel), tried to rejoin, got DC'd again. Lost ~100 glory.
Joined another game, won. Up to 5386.
Joined another game, DC'd again. Back to 5316.
This is the angriest I have ever been at this game. There has to be some way you can bump me up to 5500 with all the associated rewards. Why is there no other way to contact support?
Allo there, Unfortunately Bungie is unable to restore lost points. You'll need to earn those points again. Disconnects do happen from time to time and sometimes it's not the user or Bungies fault but rather just a blip in the connections. That being said, feel free to have a look at the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Support/Troubleshoot?oid=12915]Network Troubleshooting guide[/url] to see if you can help improve your connection.