I've tried all the windowed options for this game. I can only get over 60 FPS (the game caps it at 60 FPS) on Fullscreen mode but the screen tearing is awful. I have a 120Hz AW3418DW 3440x1440. The overclock is on to 120Hz. I set the frame limit in game to 120Hz. VSYNC is off. I'm running a DP 1.2 I believe (it's a 4k DP). This only happens in this game.
Anyone have any thoughts?
32GB 3400MHz RAM
i9 9900k 4.2GHz
2070 Super
1TB Samsung 970 Evo (Destiny is installed on this)
34" AW3418DW 3440x1440
Latest Drivers/Updates
hey so this is exactly why i quit the game and was unable to keep playing same issue same monitor i dont see any followup on how you solved the issue it just states solved.
Make sure your nvidia settings are set to the correct hz rate. Or better yet go thru all those settings to make sure it’s not running anything improperly
D2 is seem good to go . on intel and Nvidia . and you use intel and nvidia . We in the same boat. If I found a leak in this boat. I will report captain . I wont just keep silent and make captain pround on a boat and keep sailing in the strom :o https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/770616499059982641/EBE877FC1C5962A97DB28CDD7D1F16806DD89BEC/ I play on both overclock and SLI . a stuff is bungie never ever recommend and I play fine with out any single stutter and I alt + tab to text here during in game :o https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/770616499059991359/0DDA5EEB0436717B06EA96A1A38AD667CF25E9B8/ hope you fix that thing soon :0 cheer
I play on 4K Gsync lock at 60 fps and not see any issue :o anyway . You need to change to 2080ti sli for make sure its can keep maintance at 4K@Ultra Max . since this game keep upgrade graphic it self every season . a standard keep rise up . and its good. if its not upgrade it self. its will not able to make ppl interest to play with :o cheer
Edited by cxdave: 2/20/2020 3:34:25 PMCheck your Desktop refresh rate setting. The game will use that as reference for max in-game refresh rate. Enable V-Sync in the game for optimal G-Sync without tare. Limit FPS ~3 under max refresh rate of your monitor to prevent double buffering.
Make sure you have g sync on