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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
2/14/2020 6:44:49 AM

What is with matchmaking in this game?

I spent 4 minutes in orbit. Loaded up with a team in Crucible and waited.... and waited.... AND WAITED. I am always host. Running 1gb speeds. And it still takes this long. My console has a 5tb SSD and runs other games just as smooth as this game. Except I can load into matches faster in other games. Worst of all, if we/they Mercy them/us or they/we beat us/them by a HUGE margin, they “break” up the teams to find a better match, ONLY TO PAIR US UP WITH THE SAME PEOPLE. Even if I leave for 5 minutes to play another game mode or activity, or sit in orbit to hit the oval office, I’ll still come back and reload same activity. ONLY I’LL REJOIN SAME PLAYERS IN SAME LOBBY! Instead of “hot fixing” this game constantly with tiny bug fixes, throw your attention to fixing load times and matchmaking issues! This has been an issue PLAGUING console players too long! Destiny 1 never had this much content, nor did we have loading issues. Opening our character menu is a nightmare in the current state of Destiny. If I want to make a quick swap to a more useful weapon in Crucible or some high level activity, I have to wait a good 5 seconds to load in, then leave to either be killed or near death. Again, not a problem for PC because you’ve done more for them than us console players. Majority of your player base is on console, why neglect us? LISTEN TO US!

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