[spoiler]I feel like I might regret this.
Edit: I don’t regret this. [/spoiler]
Nyame: TigewsFwan228
Age: 25
Height: 5’11
Wikes: muwusic, water, natuwe, weading, and the sky
Diswikes: Fiwer, ewectwicity, and the cold
What I’m wooking fow: anywon who will wove and accwept me
Why you shouwd pick me: becauwse I will wove and accwept you for who youwu are awnd I will take care of youwu
[spoiler]Tilman please don’t burn me[/spoiler]
“Well we’ve been matched up! Might as well see how well the system works.”
I read this an anime voice and I regret it...
*The air around your right cheek feels cold followed by a blue fireball flying past then the air returns to normal color* BURN FURRY!
“Til’s not all you have to worry about.” You hear the door behind you kicked off it hinges and fall to the ground in a metallic thud. The room is wafted by a heavy wave of heat. The buildings outside are all burning down, you hear people screaming. A man with in WWI trench attire and a gas mask walks in with a M1917 WEX. “I finally found the source of that Gosh forsaken noise!” You can hear the tortured screams of past furr- [i]victims[/i], as gas leaks out of the nozzle and a spark stream of fire. [i][b]Its time to burn for that... [/b][/i]