Kept hearing about how fun MHW was, but when I would look at the gameplay I was convinced I wouldn't like it. Well, I was finally bored enough with Destiny to take a little break. Wanting something diffrent than a shooter, I chose MHW.
So far so good! I like the exploring and watching the monsters interact with each other. I suck so far at combat, but its diffrent enough to try to learn and get better. I am slowly learning, like sharpening your weapons while battling. Eat a meal before you leave, and empty your pouch often.
So yea, late to the party. Got any good tips for this newb?
Advice for a new Hunter, eh? Well, remember that you have a dodge button for a reason. Seen plenty of people get taken out when they could’ve dodged. Don’t try to hunt anything you ain’t seen before as soon as you encounter it when in early game.....unless you got a deathwish. There is no “[i]best weapon[/i]”, it’s all down to your play-style, so test ‘em all out. Don’t ignore the smithy, better your gear, less you’ll get carted. Keep your Palico in good gear too. Having that little guy/gal help you in battle can really turn the table sometimes, but they can’t do that if they have no health. Don’t panic during a fight, you’ll get sloppy. If you have to panic, then run instead of attacking. Make some distance to gather yourself. Always watch your back, just ‘cause you ran away from the monster, doesn’t mean they ain’t still there. ____________________________________ Hmm.....that should do for now. Questions?