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1/23/2020 7:38:59 PM

Mithrax's story (as told by the lore)

Whelp; lets get back into these kind of things. Today we look at the story of Mithrax, The Forsaken. A fallen captain, who shares a sentiment that most of us have; that the remnants of Humanity and the Eliksni shouldn't fight. So lets start. Mithrax, or as he is known in eliksni, Misraaks; origins are very unknown. However earliest mentions of him are in the Dreaming City Lore book where he meets the first Queen's Wrath. Held prisoner by the Wrath of the Queen, he tries to escape; failing which is to be expected when you're being held captive by Sjur Eido, she downs him and then performs a traditional ireliis bow before him. Shocking Mithrax. [quote]Drawing two fractal knives from sheaths on her thighs, she makes a perfect ireliis bow before him. Thunderstruck, he sits up straight. Stares. "Not good?" she asks, and tries again. Furious confusion takes him. This is some kind of trick. Blasphemous mockery. "Iirsoveks," he rumbles. She shakes her head. "Nama." Sheathing one of her knives, she holds out her free hand with her fingers spread in supplication. He draws his chin toward his throat with this fresh betrayal, narrowing his secondary eyes. It speaks! Slowly, without breaking eye contact, she lays her other knife on the ground between them. The blade points toward her boots. He watches her every movement. How many secrets have the flesh-lovers betrayed, that this creature can make peace like a cringing drekh before his kel? She taps two fingers against her cuirass. "Sjur," she says slowly, then she points at him. Honor-bound even as he simmers in scandal, he replies, "Misraaks. Velask, Si-yu-riks." "Mithrax," she repeats, then grins. "Velask, Mithrax. And welcome! Let's have a look about, shall we?"[/quote] It can be safe to assume that the two became allies, maybe even friends. It should definitely be noted that between the events of his capture and that of what we witness in the Truth lore tab, Mithrax is a vandal, or of the vandal "morph" (for lack of a better term). Anyways. The Truth lore tab details an Awoken scouting group of Corsairs and Crows and Mithrax searching survivors among both the Eliksni and the Awoken. [quote]Smoke winds away from the battlefield in wavering scarves. Corsairs and Crows move through the wreckage in pairs, searching for their dead. When they find Awoken survivors, they call for help. When they find a Devil or a Wolf, they call for a field medic and prison-grade restraints. A Vandal watches all of this from the wing of a Galliot with his four arms folded around his knees. He knows battle, and so death does not disturb him. He was born of war, made for it, shaped by it. And yet, as he stares out at the charred bodies of his cousins, at the bent bodies of his new allies[/quote] The Vandal and the Queen's Wrath exchange humours and Mithrax goes on to aid in the scouting. [quote]He picks his way down to the worst of it and joins the search. Over the next hour, he finds a Wolf that he half-remembers from a distant relative's coming-of-age ceremony; three Devils who look at him with uncomprehending confusion and anger; and one Crow irretrievably trapped beneath the fuselage of his ship. He is about to abandon a ruined Devils skiff when he hears a faint hiss from inside a ventilation shaft. He clambers up to peer into its grate and sees four wary eyes shining back at him. A hatchling, still soft and translucent with its egg-molt. Carefully, he pries the grate open and beckons to her. "Velask, kelekh," he murmurs. "Nankemrak." She crawls into his palm and his heart surges.[/quote] A new born. Which is quite interesting and really leaves questions; firstly as to who it became? secondly and more interestingly, how did Mithrax go about raising it? We know from the misraaks lore entry that his captain, was also his mother; and that she would be shameful of how he turned out; how he was captured by Sjur. Would he follow similar methods of parenting (provided he even went on to raise the youngling), one of honour? or would he pave a new path? either way, the fact Mithrax even came into contact with the hatchling is quite adorable. An interesting fact about Mithrax is that his associate list is quite large. He's acquainted with the Awoken, and the guardians (who we'll come up shortly); but he's also seems to be known by The Spider, the Shore's only Law; Or at least with Arrha. Scatterhorn Mask lore tab reads: [quote]"Yes, the Spider." Arrha answers in Eliksni. "Mithrax has told me about the orb the humans call Tee-tahn. A water-world of floating cities. Before the Red War, very few humans visited it, very few."[/quote] As to why the two know each other is probably similar to how we come to know him; a matter of needs and wants. But whats interesting about this tab is that it takes place after the Red War. So most likely after the events of Enemy of my Enemy Titan World Quest. Could this be why Mithrax was on Titan in the first place? Hook it up to Selkis, The Obstructor and sell it to Spider; or maybe the info was what he got from Spider in the first place? Either way, I believe the two are connected in some way. I would also like to bring up something rather unique about Mithrax implied by Variks The Loyal. Some Kind of Luck lore entry reads: [quote]Cayde's horn cut an arc through the air as he shook his head, twice, definitive. "Trust me. He's dead. Put a hot one right through here." He poked Variks right in the center of his chest. "Seen on Earth. I have knowledge. I have information. You know Eliksni have ways. Like Mithrax? Like Taniks?" The warden realized his error as soon as the name was out of his mouth.[/quote] This could suggest Mithrax has similar capabilities to Taniks, the Scarred. Taniks was notoriously similar to Fikrul, The Finatic in that both could and can come back to life; through resurrection or cybernetics and SIVA, they were able to come back to life. Variks implies that Mithrax can do something similar, or has some capabilities, which makes sense based on the fact he reappeared during Zero Hour even if you killed him on Titan. What causes this, we have yet to find out, and even if it's entirely true. Maybe he just didn't die. But I feel it would make sense given his company. But speaking of Titan, we now come to the Enemy of my Enemy World Quest. Mithrax and his crew caused a bit of havoc across the rig. Trapping our guardian in a containment field and eventually leading us to a Methane Reactor, we found him fighting a knight, Golthor, the Subtle. Kill both and you take the reactor; but kill only Golthor and he gifts us the reactor. And this is where he starts to keep his eye on us. In the meantime, Mithrax has assembled a little fireteam of his own. A hunter and a Warlock. The Lord of Wolves and Queenbreaker lore tabs read: [quote]"Why did they call themselves Wolves?" the Hunter asks. "You guys don't have any wolves on your home world, do you?" "Nama," the Captain replies. He has perched on a rusted-out Skiff. He scans the horizon, trying to remember the way to the crypt. "So… Why, then? Most people haven't even seen one." "Yeah," the Warlock chimes in. "I'd never even heard of wolves 'til I went to the Iron Temple." The Captain cocks his head in a way that makes him look very like a squat, hulking owl. "Why Eliksni accept name 'Fallen'? Why Wolves accept name 'Wolves'? Why Misraaks is now," he grimaces as he mimes their accents, showing his serrated teeth, "Miff-racks?" He rises in one fluid motion and stands at his full height. "Why speak Guardian way instead Eliksni? Docked things do not word themselves." He hops down, brushing past the Hunter and the Warlock with the rippling strength of a hunting tiger. "House of Wolves, they been Mraskilaasan. Gentle weavers. Come. I know the way now."[/quote] [quote]Three cloaked figures trek through a cave on a windswept asteroid. As they walk, they joke. They tell stories. They are a fireteam. "After Cybele," the Warlock says, "the Wolves bowed. Some became the Queen's bodyguards. Then, Skolas—" "Whoa, whoa, whoa. How? Why?" The Hunter frowns. "Why trust enemies with your life?" A pause. "No offense, buddy." The Captain shrugs: none taken. "Eia. Strange to do. But Eliksni… we been breathe-always love for honor. New promise not unmake an old. Wolves would been follow Marakel forever if Skolas does not appear again." The passage widens, and they find a hidden door veneered with amethyst. The Captain lays a hand on it, bows his head. The Hunter and the Warlock fall back respectfully. After a time, the Warlock ventures, "Mithrax?" The Captain turns. "Wolves rebel. Now, Wolves extinct. This where-live mine-things scatter must end. I will Kell the mind-open Eliksni. No spider-tricks. No loyal-lies. Variisis truths. We fight for Great Machine together."[/quote] The group found what is best guess, Sjur's rest. The tomb of Sjur Eido in the Tangled Shore. And it's here Mithrax makes his promise to do right by the Traveler, by the Eliksni and by Humanity.

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  • Edited by NeonPropose: 1/23/2020 7:52:49 PM
    And here we come to Zero Hour; the heist that has solidified Mithrax, and the newly formed, House of Light's motives. To help humanity, and to redeem the Eliksni. Outbreak Perfected lore tab reads: [quote]The Captain stands with his primary hands braced on a command table. He stares down at a static holoprojection as though it might reveal some new secret. Nearby, the Hunter combs through scout reports. The Warlock taps rapidly at a datapad, running simulation after simulation. No one speaks. There is a deafening boom. The holoprojection flickers; the whole Skiff tilts seventy degrees off-kilter. The Captain holds tight to the table, reaching out with a secondary arm to snatch the Hunter as he goes toppling by. The Warlock is not a concern; she has Blinked her way to a secure handhold. The Captain calls to his crew, speaking Eliksni too fast for the Hunter or the Warlock to follow. Someone calls back. The Skiff tilts nauseously, then stabilizes. "Eramis?" the Warlock asks. The Captain nods. Letting go of the Hunter, he disappears through an access hatch to consult with his crew. "I don't like this," the Hunter says lowly. "We should be there with him." The Warlock chews on her lower lip. She doesn't like it either, but they've argued endlessly with their Captain and gained no ground. "We have to trust him," she says finally. "This is what he wants." "Trust him to die?" the Hunter hisses. "Let's break down how stupid this is: not only does he wants to infiltrate the Tower without us, he's planning to wear Devils colors to interrupt a Devils heist to reclaim SIVA. And instead of leaning on us, his good Guardian friends, he's banking on some stranger—" "Not a stranger," the Warlock cuts in. "Fine! Not a stranger, but definitely not a friend!" The Hunter grits his teeth. "We should do it. We need to do it. Let's just go; let's go now. We can cut them off." He conjures his Ghost with a twist of his wrist, readying for transmat. "We have to trust him," the Warlock repeats, reaching out to grasp the Hunter's forearm. "I think he's right when he says it doesn't mean anything if we do it. Guardians do extraordinary things all the time. And he needs more allies…" The Captain reenters their little ad-hoc war room. They draw up guiltily. The Hunter hides his Ghost. "All well?" he asks, looking between them. "Eia, Mithrax," the Warlock murmurs. "We're all good." The Hunter says nothing. "We walk this hardship-path with joyful hearts. Be brave."[/quote] We put a stop to House Devils heist. We secure a win for us and Mithrax; and most importantly, We gain a new ally. Mithrax 's story has hit a point where nothing more can be added; as he is one of the few characters to be quite up to date in the lore. All we know is that the vanguard are aware of his presence, and are keeping tabs on him, considering him less violent or in need of destruction. Stolen Intelligence entry Outliers reads: [quote]VIP #3987, another former confederate of the Awoken, is a lesser-known personality known as Mithrax. Scattered field reports suggest that like #1121, #3987 styles himself a Kell of the so-called "House Light," an otherwise unknown House apparently founded by #3987 himself. We have secondhand accounts that Mithrax has engaged in allied operations with Guardians in the field, though we have not as yet been able to corroborate these accounts with any degree of veracity. This agent is inclined to treat these reports with a healthy degree of skepticism until otherwise confirmed, as they may be propaganda from Fallen sympathizers in the Old Russian and Red War Guardian cohorts. We have requested intelligence records from the Awoken which may further clarify the matter. In addition, whatever the findings of said intelligence records may be, it should be stressed that one or two sympathetic outliers cannot be relied upon to erase the wrongs of past centuries, nor should their good-faith efforts to correct the sins of their forebears be taken as sufficient symbolic reparation.[/quote] Whatever you think of the Eliksni O reader mine, please note that Mithrax means us no harm. He is an ally; and definitely should be held in high regard; and further note, that he will be needed in the future. [spoiler] invite link to the #lore discord server. [/spoiler]

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    18 Replies
    • Best part of Mithrax is the glimpses into Eliksni culture that he gives us. Gold mine!

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    • Let's go Mithrax let's go

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    • Who's that? Why care?

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    • I wish we could be in his fireteam...

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    • I just wish there was a way to redo that Titan mission (Outside of restarting) cause I screwed up doing it and ended up just killing both at the end.

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      2 Replies
      • Excellent thread, lets hope Bungie does something useful with him.

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      • What do you think about the rat king? Do you think he and his band of misfits exist?

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