So there I was in Iron Banner doing my thing I pop around a corner and standing there where 3 of the biggest Titans I'd ever seen stand with a dress wearer so I pop smoke and bounce off, these 4 mice brains chased me half way across the map I dropped a grenade thinking that would slow them down, there was red hate in their eyes all focused on ending my run so I keep dodging jumping all the while their engaged full auto on my ass, bullets, lighting charges, void flack everywhere, then I see it out of the corner of my eye my Crows staged at bravo with the last bit of light I jump my final burst into zone B, the crayon eaters take the bait,
My flock was startled of course, but they laid down an assault that crushed all 6 of them, it was glorious.
Lesson learned I'm a Crow not a rabbit, what do you call a flock of crows?
To be Continued:
It's not called a flock, it's a murder of crows