I just got DDOS'd in Mayhem on PC WHAT IS GOING ON so weasel you get when you get hit? This sucks. Weasel well I went offline the entire house now weasel is my fault? Please Explain you want me to tear a whole in the side of my house and go directly to the telephone poll? I'm bringing this to your attention only trolls in hear I pity them honestly. However this is an issue.
[u]PvP Matches 5,424 / Time Played 783 hours [/u]
[u]PvE Matches 11,930 Time Played 3382 hours [/u]
I have played this game too much, there has been an extremely negative change. [b][/b] [b][/b]
Perhaps they should reverse the decision of making the game free to play. Or just remove it from PC all together. All you can do is report them and move on. Or use Online Ban report https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13967