If we evolved from some type of ape, how come we have have moral values? There is no reason for us to care about anyone else besides ourselfs. Yet we care about others and we want people to feel good emotionally and physically.
I’m curious on everyone’s thoughts on this.
[spoiler]Edit: forgot my tag... again. [/spoiler]
There’s nothing wrong with asking these types of questions, despite people downvoting you to oblivion. There absolutely is an evolutionary reason that we care for others. Similarly, there’s an evolutionary reason we care for our immediate family the strongest... our extended family slightly less strongly, our “group” slightly less strongly and others less strongly. The goal of our genes (coined “the selfish gene” by Dawkins) is to survive past our generation. This can mean we take selfish actions, but our genes also survive when our relatives survive. Further, participating unselfishly in a “tit-for-tat” society means we’re likely to benefit from behaving morally. If I didn’t make sense (quite possible) let me know if you need me to expand somewhere.