I'm willing to pay 60$ or even more yearly just to have a better experience.
I love this game so much, but I'm losing my mind.
You people complain about EVERYTHING, first the game was too easy, no end game content, exotics drop like candy. People complained that it wasn't a hobby anymore. Now y'all are complaining that it's a chore? That there isn't enough time in the day, or how bungie doesn't respect your time. My friend has no time to play, you know what he does? He doesn't play! Wow shocker! Fact of the matter is the game is fine how it is, if you don't have enough time , well tough luck, i didn't and i couldn't finish the last season pass. This season i aim to finish that. I never seen such a whiney community before. [spoiler]inb4 the dumb response of "yOu'Re CoMpLaInInG aBoUt pEoPlE cOmPlaInINg[/spoiler]