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12/15/2019 1:55:48 AM

The Story of Saitonia 2nd Arc: Episode 17 (60): Anticipated Alliance

(Midnight, southern [b]Sakrisen[/b], a [b]Saitranovia[/b] police car zooms by, in search of someone.) [b]Officer:[/b] *radio* There's a report of a weird robotic man near the [b]Idialix Tower[/b], destroying buildings, shooting at anyone in sight. Need someone to investigate. *The police car drives up to the scene, only to find [b]Robo[/b], throwing a hunter near a destroyed building. 2 officers exit and aim their rifles.* [b]Officer 1 (female):[/b] You! Step away from that hunter now or pay the price! [b]Robo:[/b] *still facing away* Really? 2 puny officers like you...*turns around*, you should've brung the bigger guns. *hand tranforms into the laser cannon and fires at the car, blowing it up and sending the officers flying* *The officers get up, clouds of smoke covering them.* [b]Officer 2 (male):[/b] Damn.... *aims and fires at [b]Robo[/b], bullets barely damaging him* [b]Robo:[/b] *fires at officer 2, a red beam striking through his chest, then fires another beam at officer 1, killing both of them* Like I said; puny. *the hunter strikes [b]Robo[/b] from behind with his bo staff, making [b]Robo[/b] move his head forward, but barely taking damage* [b]Robo:[/b] Unwise move. *turns around and turns another hand into an axe, and decapitates the hunter* [i][b]*black*[/b][/i] _______________________________________ [u][b]*Cliche-ass opening theme plays*[/b][/u] _______________________________________ (Next Day, at the group safehouse, Cat and Kav are drawing a random character each on a seperate piece of paper.) [b]Cathera:[/b] *tries to make the character's eye perfect, but messes up and [b]erases[/b] it* Arrgh, it's always the other eye. [b]Kavita:[/b] *trying to shape a character's face perfectly* Which eye is it? [b]Cathera:[/b] Ugh, her right eye, on the left side. [b]Kavita:[/b] Dunno, it was easy for me. Maybe because I'm maybe I pick it up easier. [b]Cathera:[/b] Yeah, I guess. *looks at the side of her left hand, only to get small pencil markings* Ahh, pencil marking, Kav! *shows her the markings* [b]Kavita:[/b] *looks at Cat's left hand and sees the markings* Aww, unfortunate. *looks at the side of her right hand to find pencil marks* Gah-*snickers*. Well Cat, *shows her the marks on her hand* same thing. [b]Cathera:[/b] Well, you finally know the struggles. [b]Kavita:[/b] *laughs* *tap on the glass from the balcony, Kav gets up but gets stopped by Cat* [b]Cathera:[/b] I got it. *gets up, walking to the balcony entrance while Kav sits back down* It's probably frickin [b]Vandren[/b]. *slides the blinds and...yep, it's him* I just- *turns back to Kav* I knew it. *slides the door open* What?! [b]Vandren:[/b] Chiilll, Kitty Cathy. [b]Kavita:[/b] You've clearly made us mistaken you to be an intruder...though you kinda are. [b]Cathera:[/b] I told you the door is on the other side, idiot. [b]Vandren:[/b] It's more badass if I enter this way. [b]Cathera:[/b] Well you can go enter somewhere else in a "badass" way. What do you want?! [b]Vandren:[/b] *walks in while Cat shuts the entrance* I've seen what the S.S. are doing to lure the [b]Nyterunners[/b]. [b]Kavita:[/b] Yeah? And they're doing a terrible f[b]u[/b]cking job. [b]Vandren:[/b] I'm predicting that they'll fall for the trap on purpose, to come up with a counterattack, and somehow get the upper hand. [b]Kavita:[/b] So they'll screw themselves, just to screw everyone else over worse than how they got screwed? I see. [b]Vandren:[/b] They'll more likely find you, unless you're a worthless hunter that somehow got lucky enough to come across them. So I'd say look lost in the dark alleyways, that'll lead them. They seem to have a reputation of chasing people into alleys and attacking them. [b]Kavita:[/b] Similar thing happened to me and Anna, except she was chased, I got attacked. [b]Cathera:[/b] So you're saying we should get into hiding? [b]Vandren:[/b] That'd be a good choice, but a wise hiding spot. I've been reading more about the members on these cards. It seems that [b]Akayor[/b] and [b]Tsukas[/b] are the more of the "loner-type" members. [b]Kavita:[/b] Does it really matter who's easier to catch and who isn't? One member goes missing, the rest of the gang will be tracking them down. [b]Vandren:[/b] Well, not really, but the gang would be more alerted and more desperate to find them. [b]Cathera:[/b] *looks over at the cards* Sooo, it's the girl with the cultural-like mask and the very bulky, big guy. [b]Vandren:[/b] Eyes set. _______________________________________ (Later on, at the GB&P, the twins walk out, [b]Pyrus[/b] following them.) [b]Pyrus:[/b] So I've saw that [b]Robin[/b] merchant. Dude has decked out on weaponry and other equipment. [b]Ainotias:[/b] Ohhhh, Sai told me about the guy. [b]Saitonia:[/b] And it'll actually be reliable in battle? With planet and universe-level threats? [b]Pyrus:[/b] Most likely. He's in that same alley if you're trying to find him. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Okay. *The twins and [b]Pyrus[/b] split ways.* _______________________________________ (The twins walk into the alley they once encountered [b]Robin[/b], in hopes of seeing him again.) [b]Saitonia:[/b] Alright now, where is this creepy, shady guy? *black smoke surrounds the twins for 6 seconds, making them look around, then the smoke clears, revealing [b]Robin[/b], leaning on a wall* [b]Robin:[/b] Nice to see you again, [b]eraser[/b], *looks at Aino* and you've brung along your twin [b]obliterator[/b]. [b]Ainotias:[/b] So you're that merchant. [b]Robin:[/b] Yep. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Alright, [b]Pyrus[/b] told me you have a bunch of new equipment to sell. [b]Robin:[/b] Yep. I'll tell ya, I got a good new stock of everything. *shows them a table filled with weapons and equipment* [b]Ainotias:[/b] *eyes widen* Holyyyy.... [b]Saitonia:[/b] *points at a weapon* That looks like a weapon that the [b]Triaryin[/b] own. [b]Robin:[/b] Hehe, that's a [b]Triaryin Exaktor Rifle[/b], tuned it up. Even without the tuning, this thing's a monster. One beam of energy from this thing can tear an organ or 2. Price will be 650,000 [b]zepiks[/b]. [b]Ainotias:[/b] *backs away* Holy crapping [b]Arckyvus[/b]. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Any cheaper? [b]Robin:[/b] *shows a row of weapons/equipment* Some [b]Siviurix[/b]-themed SMGs and here's a decently powerful sword. I call it [b]Slateslicer[/b]. *points at another sword, it's glowing red with a unique black and gray hilt* Here's another sword; the [b]Obliterax[/b]. [b]Ainotias:[/b] IIII'mmm taking it! How much?! [b]Robin:[/b] 200,000 zepiks. [b]Ainotias:[/b] That's good enough. *gives [b]Robin[/b] a pack of [b]zepiks[/b] and acquires the sword* [b]Robin:[/b] You can summon the sword anytime. It'll never disappear. [b]Ainotias:[/b] *puts away the sword* Sweeet. [b]Robin:[/b] What about you, [b]eraser[/b]? [b]Saitonia:[/b] *points at a black, purple, and blue futuristic revolver* That revolver there *points at a pack of 9 potions* and those potions. [b]Robin:[/b] That'll be 95,000. [b]Saitonia:[/b] Got it. *pays up 95,000 [b]zepiks[/b] acquires the equipment, and puts it away* Thanks [b]Robin[/b]. [b]Robin:[/b] No problem. I'm always in the dark alleyways. Here, [b]Dyphinix, Paladuras,...Venturos[/b]. *the twins walk off* _______________________________________ (Later, the twins came over to the group safehouse to chat with Cat and Kav.) [b]Saitonia:[/b] Hey [b]Cathera[/b], remember that [b]Robin[/b] merchant that we encountered months back? [b]Cathera:[/b] Yeah. I got that bow from him. [b]Saitonia:[/b] He's selling some pretty good stuff. I got this revolver from him. *summons it and shows it to them* [b]Cathera:[/b] That's nice. Would like to see how much damage it could do. [b]Ainotias:[/b] Yeah yeah. I got this badass sword called the [b]Obliterax[/b]. *summons the [b]Obliterax[/b] and shows it* [b]Cathera:[/b] *eyes widen and lets out a gasp* [b]Kavita:[/b] *face lights up* Wooooowwww. Hooooooolyyyyy sh[b]i[/b]t. [b]Ainotias:[/b] *chuckles* I know, right? [b]Saitonia:[/b] You don't have to show off like that, Aino. The weapon is as good as the person wielding it. [b]Cathera:[/b] *smiles and nods her head in agreement* [b]Kavita:[/b] Remind me to enhance my [b]Razor Edge Glow[/b] sometime. [b]Saitonia:[/b] We will.... _______________________________________ (Night time, Robo walks out of an alley and onto the main sidewalk.) [b]Robo:[/b] *turns his head to the left as if someone or something is down there, and walks that way* *On the other side, [b]Ems, Liam, Acro, and Pete[/b] are walking around as well.* [b]Pete:[/b] So there's another very wanted crook like us? [b]Ems:[/b] Yes, but like, more wanted than you, also wanted at a higher price, Pete. [b]Pete:[/b] What did he look like again? *As they walk further, they cross into [b]Robo[/b], who's looking straight at them.* [b]Liam:[/b] Ummmm, that's the guy. [b]Ems:[/b] *yells out to [b]Robo[/b]* You're the [b]Robo[/b] guy, right?! [b]Robo:[/b] *waits for 4 seconds then responds* Yes, I am [b]Robo[/b]. [b]Ems:[/b] Sweet. Well, we're pretty much crooks just like you, what do you say we at least don't become your target? [b]Robo:[/b] .......sure. Besides, I'm hunting down [b]Cell-3[/b], you? [b]Acro:[/b] We're too busy being the hunted. [b]Robo:[/b] Heh, well, it's likely you wouldn't be killed any earlier than Cell. *transforms into a drone* [b]Ems:[/b] Oh, yes. I've heard about the forms he has. [b]Robo:[/b] *flies off* [b]Ems:[/b] *to the group* Doesn't he seem unique? [b]Liam:[/b] Sure does. *on top of a building, [b]Ring[/b] watches over them* [b]Ring:[/b] Another alliance formed? Whatever that was, it's not good. *walks off* [i][b]*fade*[/b][/i] _______________________________________ [u][b]END:[/b][/u] [spoiler][b]Erased....[/b][/spoiler]

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