Me personally, I go for a drive and listen to AC/DC and Led Zeppelin while doing donuts and driving fast
What is your preferred method?
As someone who has struggled with anger issues my whole life, I have to constantly evolve my strategies. I enjoy woodworking. The level of concentration I have to put into it to not make mistakes, takes me out of my self. Same for distance shooting & driving. We were given this little minibike. It has like a little 5hp motor & it is just stupid fun to ride, so it relaxes me. I used to hike & camp. Can't hike now because of my knee. I am also cooking. I turn on a podcast, right now it is The Glass Cannon podcast, I find those guys hilarious! I get online & kill shit. Killing pixelated adds is very calming. I get as far from people as possible. People are my arch nemesis!! Lol.