Looking for a chill and laidback xbox clan that won't be fussed about the amount of time i can spend on the game. I mainly play PvE but I'm happy playing either.
Clan Page [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3917050][XB1] School of Sweet Business[/url] If you're a guardian looking for a chill clan to run activities with, give us a shot. We are a newer clan looking for more members; our members range from the fairly hardcore (that's me, hi) to more casual players. We simply ask that you be as active as you can be and have the destiny companion app to communicate. We are also looking to establish a regular raid team to earn the weekly raid engram, so if you're an experienced raider, we'd love to have you join us and help accomplish this goal. If you're interested in joining, simply request to join the clan and let me know if you're interested in working on anything specific.