Me, a hunter who can stand his own in crucible:HA TAKE THIS THROWING KNIFE THAT DOESN'T KILL NO MATTER HOW WEAK YOU ARE
a titan, who spams melee abilities bc it's easy to get Max dis armor:lemme just take out three guardians that were a bit too close for me without having any skill, and who needs guns when max resil, and Max dis armor is the most effective set.
Warlocks,the cool kids who wanted to be more viable than hunters but still like to have fun:hm I should, you know plan out my attack an-*gets obliterated by Shoulder charge*
Strikers, who "need to aim their super":um lemme just mash q bc I'm against more than one guardian and let the game play itself Voidwalkers, whose ult you kinda need to aim: hm lemme see itd be best if I got behind them all sneaky like and use my ult, so I don't get shot down before I use it Gunslingers, who actually need to aim their ult: okay let's be good at this game*casts golden gun* OH SHIT THATS A STRIK- *dies even tho the striker had five rounds of golden gun pumped into him before he got blown to shit by a crutch class