I'm sure you wont read this cause you have like thousands of guardian posts unhappy with you guys! But I think the main problem is people had hoped for something bigger for this.
You spent like what 3/4 resets building this beautiful portal in the tower just to slap a beacon down to summon it!?!
I feel even differences like when all 6 spawned into final assault it put you on the tower instead and you activated the portal from there, then go into the final assault area! That would have been amazing and people would have really gone for that!
Or when you put the beacon down and you teleport the portal you get to jump into the portal and face the undying mind in it's own haunt! Like a throwback area! Where as an added bonus you coulda thrown in the imago loop or some form of weapon!
Thanks for your time if you read this! I do ramble lol
People are upset because it was lazy. Just a reused boss at the end of the dame thing with no reward..