First of off I’d like to stat I don’t want to be that type of guy that’s donates only for getting exclusive in game Destiny items. I love helping people out and making a change. I think Bungie as a company and individual people are doing an amazing job and I love each and everyone of them. They have done so much for me and the Destiny Community. I think they’re amazing people and I’ll support them as much as I possibly can.
Now, the main reason why I’m typing this out is to hopefully get this out there to Bungie to possibly change the exotic Glided Shell perks to make more sense. This Ghost Shell can only be acquired from the latest charity that Bungie is doing for IPads For Kids, you must spend $50 to get this Ghost Shell. The Ghost Shell has already been data minded however, and the Exotic Perks have been shown. Apparently the exotic perk is “Speed Demon” (Spawns in your sparrow faster and reloads your weapons) I don’t necessarily think that’s a good perk, and I would like to suggest that “Guiding Light” (Grants 10% more XP in all activities) is a much better perk and makes more sense for a Charity Ghost Shell. Reason for that is it makes sense that we as players/guardians help people around the world, and it makes sense irl with helping kids in need. Plus the name is more fitting then “Speed Demon”. The second perk is “Omni Telemetry” (Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills.) Yet another not so great perk which can be replaced with “Public Defender” (Increased loot from public events on all destinations) Which again, will make more sense for a Charity Ghost Shell, helping people around the Solar System.
Now this is just an idea I had and I’m not sure how far this is going to go, but I just want to show this to others and suggest a change to the Charity Ghost Shell. If you do agree please spread the word and let’s hope Bungie can see this and possibly make the change.
And if you’re reading please donate to this charity or any future charities you come across. Do whatever you can to make a change and help out this amazing community Bungie has built. Any donation can make a change no matter how much it is. Any amount makes a huge difference. Thank you all so much for reading this and have a fantastic rest of your day. :)
I hate to admit that I agree and was pending buyng this shell based on its perks I cant see why i'd ever equip it over Eris's shel which gives me guided light and treasure hunter....Perfect!