Clan Name: Catfish Mechanics
System: Xbox One
Where we are located: we have members located all around the globe, but the largest group is based in North America with the next largest based in the UK.
Usual Play time: there are people usually on all around the clock daily. Most prominent time is probably from 3pm pst - 12am pst.
Info about us: We are a group of adult gamers who enjoy gaming and who have a goal of mastering the games content while having a good time doing it. We are sarcastic and joke around with each other often while trying to grind through the game. We raid often and get through weekly content daily. Members are active daily, willing to help and team in all types of activities, and are located in almost all timezones. While we don’t take everything overly serious, our clan is filled with many high level PvE and PvP players. We do use discord for setting up events, teaming, and general communication. [b]We're looking for quality, not quantity. Competency is key.[/b]
If you are interested in joining reply here and either myself or another admin will be in touch. When you reply please follow these instructions: please leave your Xbox gamer tag, your region, your light level, and any notable facts about yourself. Please follow the instructions above and please understand it might take a day or two for us to get back to you. [i]For a much faster response, feel free to direct message me on Xbox at Grifter23. If you do message me direct, please (please) include the same information stated above.[/i]
Remember we are looking for quality players who are quality people and want be be good, be active, and have some fun.
Look forward to hearing from you!