Not like 1 to 1 trading, like giving your new light friend a god roll erentil to destroy in crucible. No not like that.
But More like a global trade market [spoiler]kinda like pokemon[/spoiler].
Like if i put up a curated threat level in exchange for a spare rations with rapid hit and range finder. Then somebody with a spare rations like that could trade it. You get a notification saying your gun has been traded and you go pick it up at the postmaster.
Obviously you wouldn't be able to trade exotics or y1 weapons. Only random rolled legendaries. And since the gun you put it to trade won't be in your inventory, it'll be server side, it'll be impossible to dupe.
That would be cool, but the combination of everyone trading for guns and then complaining that there's nothing to chase, followed by people charging for trades, would break the game