Three weeks later and the masterwork is still missing from my Play of the Game. I've seen other people on the forums having the same issue, but I have yet to see Bungie say anything about it. My GL went from a lvl 10 blast radius to lvl 1 velocity, but still shows how many enemies I have defeated. I thought that Bungie may have removed blast radius from the MW pool to put a ceiling on it, but last night I ended up getting a PotG with a blast radius MW.
I know this isn't the same for everyone, but using 17 cores to fully upgrade a gun is a big deal for me. If you're in the same boat, don't let this die. Let's get our cores/MW back.
Three weeks and you haven’t re masterworked it yet? I did mine back up the first day I went to put it on. You think they are going to do it for you? They probably know why it happened, but I find it funny that is the only gun I heard about with this issue. Just level it up and move on. Even if it’s your last cores you’ll get more.