Bungie please reduce power advantages in first iron banner in a new season. Just for the first IB.
Its literally the only event where power matters.. and tbh i was 960 and got one tapped by lower players allot... jotuns and snipers still one tapped hell even some high impact fusions
Please don't. It's fine the way it is.
No, its absolutely fine as is. It's been this way since the first Iron Banner.
Iron Banner has always been power levels count. They took this away for a short time and people wanted it back hence we have it again. Iron Banner is an end game activity the same as the raid is an end game activity.
I shoulder charged a 963 hunter yesterday and I bounced. BOUNCED! He took no damage. That was nuts.
Dodgy connections, lag or whatever is more of a problem.
Nope.....message ends.
even casuals hit 940-950 by now