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10/15/2019 12:30:30 AM
i don't understand why ppl here are upset, the emote and the weapon skin do absolutely nothing for your game/skills, it's purely cosmetic. I could understand if the weapon skin gave some kind of advantage to you but... it doesn't. Basically you're here because in your opinion you can't afford it and the problem isn't Bungie, it's You. It's like, walking by a jewelry store and out of the corner of your eye you catch how EXPENCIVE a Rolex is... YOU want it but You KNOW you shouldn't... because it tells time exactly the same as a …$ watch and you kick yourself in the nuds because, damn it WHY Why can't I afford it and you storm into the store and start raising the roof how they need to lower the price... sound familiar ? I know, I know what you're thinking... You're thinking how this isn't real life and this is just a game but let me stop you right there... that's exactly it, to Bungie this is real life. Oh ya, oh ya... well they should just focus on other things than... aa a aaa, the people that work on things like emotes and skins are there to do just that, for you to suggest that they should go do something they have no experience in is, well... uneducated.

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