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10/14/2019 7:19:00 PM
Yeah I know what you mean. I was doing the boss encounter of the new raid and the team leader wanted me to use Izanagi. I told him I'm more comfortable with a kinetic sniper and Whisper along with Recluse. They were not happy but let me in anyway all the time -blam!- about it in my ears. During the damage phase I was the one doing the most damage (over a million) because I was hitting all my crits. So how you play your loadout is far more important than the loadout itself. People want crutches because streamers or somebody told them.

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  • Whenever the video of melting Val Cu'or (whatever his name is) in spire of stars with wardcliff came out, instantly it was "must have wardcliff". Let's just say that a lot of people were killing themselves during damage phase rather than one phasing. So I know what you mean. If the weapon gets the job done, then why should you be restrained from using it? "bEcAuSE strEAmeR uSeD OThEr guN"

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  • That's how I always run raids, even In D1 despite that I had Gjallarhorn, I ran specifically Non-Ghorn raids, because people rely on crutches rather than their own skill or enginuity.

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  • then you're running with shit 'team' players. I got team that wants to run whisper but I like using izanagi, recluse, wendigo and im my first run I was using a tranquility with firing line, recluse, and wendigo but I switched to whisper on the run we actually got a clear on. I think honestly as long as your doing your job and out putting damage I think your team should learn to adapt. Its not like you were the one guy not using rat king or outbreak prime that need all 6 people using it to be most effective.

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  • guess you didn't teather and were the damage only group? ^^

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  • What load out were you using?

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  • Revoker, Recluse, Whisper. Top tree Voidwalker with Contraverse Hold.

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  • Dude your load out if fine I run tranquillity recluse and whisper and it’s perfectly fine

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