Just your friendly neighborhood Speaker of the Deep here!
I love Destiny! Its a pretty Ok game, and the community is pretty Ok too
I've been seeing some real bad Destiny based toxicity over some sorta non-issues.
Lets all be civil, there's no need to be rude and disrespectful! We are all Guardians of the Traveler!
Gimme a hug!
[i][b]I said Gimme a hug!!!![/b][/i]
[b]*forceably hugs visibly upset Guardian turning blue*[/b]
Ahhhh that's better! Now before I go, I have a question What's your favorite main class and why?
Whelp back to my hole!
[quote]goes back to Offtopic[/quote]
I enjoy all three. Hunters for the capes, Titans for the PEREGRINE GREAAAAAAAAAAAVES, and Warlocks for the dummy good PvE abilities. Gotta day Hunter is my favorite though. Who doesn’t love flaming revolvers?