Does Trump deserve to be impeached? I think he has probably done questionable things, maybe the whole Ukrainian phone call wasn't strictly "right", but it feels like he hasn't done anything [i]more[/i] questionable than other recent Presidents. It really feels like libtards just can't repress their wet dreams about impeachment. I don't consider myself a conservacuck, and I'd like to vote democrat, but it angers me that rather than focusing on how they could actually make the country better, and be better than Trump, they waste time on witch hunts rather than actually addressing the bigger issues.
I won't be sad if The Big Orange Man does get impeached or looses the election, but the Democrats seem disconnected from the needs of the American people. Trump plays on those needs, the Democrats ignore them.
We are -blam!-ed.
My opinion? If you’ve already made that decision, one way or the other, then you don’t actually believe in the very things you guys sit here and argue over. Being a shit president isn’t grounds for impeachment. And none of us are in a position to determine if laws were broken. We have a justice system. Let it play out. And accept whatever the outcome is.