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10/11/2019 3:03:38 PM

Lets talk politics...





Does Trump deserve to be impeached? I think he has probably done questionable things, maybe the whole Ukrainian phone call wasn't strictly "right", but it feels like he hasn't done anything [i]more[/i] questionable than other recent Presidents. It really feels like libtards just can't repress their wet dreams about impeachment. I don't consider myself a conservacuck, and I'd like to vote democrat, but it angers me that rather than focusing on how they could actually make the country better, and be better than Trump, they waste time on witch hunts rather than actually addressing the bigger issues. I won't be sad if The Big Orange Man does get impeached or looses the election, but the Democrats seem disconnected from the needs of the American people. Trump plays on those needs, the Democrats ignore them. We are -blam!-ed. Thoughts?

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  • Friendly reminder: The Obama administration asked ukraine to help them investigate Paul Manafort. Three Democrats in the Senate penned a letter to ukraine asking them to help investigate trump. Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC paid a firm to get a british national to get made up dirt on trump from, wait for it, the russian government. And last but not least, joe biden bragged about getting a prosecutor fired, who was investigating a Ukrainian energy company in which his son hunter Biden was a board member getting 50,000$ a month despite no experience. If the left didnt have double standards they would have no standards at all.

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    32 Replies
    • Edited by TheArtist: 10/11/2019 7:09:32 PM
      My thoughts is that you aren’t being even remotely objective. The man has stopped even making any pretense of following our laws, or respecting the Constitution. He is trying to govern like a King/Dictator. Go read the Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon. Nixon was forced to resign under threat of being removed from office.... FOR LESS THAN THIS PRESIDENT HAS PUBLICLY ADMITTED TO DOING. Shit Nixon at least had enough shame to hide the fact that he was using the IRS to harass his enemies. Trump brazenly calls on foreign adversaries to do it. Nixon was brought down getting caught using the CIA to obstruct the FBI investigation into Watergate. Trump openly defies Congressional subpoenas. Openly tampers and intimidates witnesses, and blackmails our allies. But you guys on the right have so completely abandoned your principles that you continue to defend a man who is behaving like an organized crime boss. We’re to the point that such a torrent of corruption and criminal misconduct comes out every day that we—-and you in particular—-have become almost numb to it. You lost you moral compass and capacity for outrage. He’s corrupting you as he corrupts everything around him. (Oh it’s not THAT bad....) What you fail to realize is that governments never GIVE BACK power. ... and no regime is in power forever. SO UNLESS YOUR PREPARED TO TOLERATE A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT AND CONTROLLED CONGRESS BEHAVING THIS is stupidly shortsighted to tolerate your side doing. What goes around, comes around..,,and the Constitution is there to protect all of us from one another’s character flaws. And a rogue President with a personality disorder.

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      119 Replies
      • Nope. It is completely okay for the left to ask to investigate me, and it is perfectly okay for me to ask ukraine to investigate biden.

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        12 Replies
        • Did he actually do something to deserve it? So far no. Nothing has ever been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is guilty of anything that would lead to his removal from office. Will the Dems ever stop the witch hunt on Trump? Never. They know they can't beat him with the weak candidates they have, and will stop at nothing in order to not have him be able to run again in the next election. They know they can beat Pence, but not the Donald. This wouldn't be happening if he were not eligible for reelection. I'd be glad to see him gone, but not like this. If you have nothing, do better on your own side in finding respectable candidates to run against him. I hope there is even a Republican challenger to run against him in his own party.

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          18 Replies
          • Edited by Sherluck: 10/12/2019 10:31:40 AM
            I like turtles

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            • I think he shouldnt be impeached, he should be overthrown and imprisoned like the rest of the government and corporate executives.

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            • Edited by BlakToe: 10/13/2019 5:58:15 PM
              Nope. After the DNC is done shooting themselves in the foot...again, we can all begin the campaign bologna season!

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            • I absolutely think he deserves to be the impeached. But politically it may do more harm than good in an already divided nation. There’s a large percentage of the country that believe the whole “fake news” “libtards are evil” spin that Trump keeps peddling and those people will hold a grudge if Trump is impeached. Trump is morally bankrupt and corrupt. But as much as it pains me to say it I think it’s probably a bad move politically to impeach him. I just think it’s sad that the country has become so split along partisan lines that people would rather defend a blatantly unfit president than do the right thing.

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              • Edited by cRaZyT101: 10/12/2019 10:45:49 PM
                He's been needed to be removed from office within his first year. [quote]I won't be sad if The Big Orange Man does get impeached or looses the election, but the Democrats seem disconnected from the needs of the American people. Trump plays on those needs, the Democrats ignore them. [/quote]See, I don't quite get this view. What has Trump done while in office? The only successful thing he's done is provide a tax cut that we're now seeing is only benefiting the wealthy. And I suppose filling two Supreme Court seats and a whole slew of judiciary seats since Republicans can only stonewall. Oh, and all those golf trips. All the while Republicans held all three branches of the government. He hasn't done anything "successful" otherwise. What "needs" has he fulfilled? The farming business needs bailouts (which won't be paid back). Coal jobs aren't coming back. He's made America a literal laughing stock on the international stage. He's tried multiple false flags in attempts to initiate war. He's pulled out of treaties. He's abandoned our allies, while praising dictators. Failed to broker any agreement with North Korea. Bowed down to China during the HK protests. Insults his own intelligence apparatus while believing our enemies. Fires people he disagrees with over Twitter. Begs foreign nations to do something about Biden, his political adversary. Never mind all of the laws broken and other sorts of ethical violations, either.

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                9 Replies
                • Why do folks think Trump must leave office if house impeaches him? Doesnt the Senate have to confirm it for Trump to be removed? And would they? Even Clinton didnt leave office because it wasnt a full impeachment. Was it? Nixon resigned before being removed... Right? This whole impeachment business seems like more hyperbole that wont result in anything really but more excuses and more distractions that is a true offense to this country. Imo.

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                  • Wow. Just wow. I am literally shaking because DOTARD BLUMPF is going to strip me of my human rights because he is a fascist Cheeto. I am simply disgusted that such a terrible man and human being is the president of the United States. A LITERAL [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url]. That’s it I have had enough of BLONGRUEL GRUMP and his authoritarian regime. It’s time to Invoke the 25th amendment. If we don’t stop him now I’m afraid America and it’s proud liberal values will be lost forever. We are one step away from [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] GERMANY. THIS ISNT NORMAL WE MUST IMPEACH THIS MADMAN NOW. GRUMPFSCH DOTARDL MUST BE OVERTHROWN HE IS LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE.

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                  • How you read the Ukraine phone call depends on what you think of him, if you think he is horrible and evil it will sound like a quid pro quo, if you like him and think he does a great job it sounds like he is just asking them to investigate Biden

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                  • The Democrats are eminently unacceptable to lead this country, for two reasons: 1. They're stupid. All they have to do to get the White House is give us a MODERATE candidate, someone the people might dump that laughingstock Trump for. Instead, they're trying to shove gun-stealing commies down our throat. 2. They're traitors. The Democrats are supposed to champion the 99 percent, the working class. Instead, they've turned on them by opposing the removal of undocumented immigrants. Their presence hurts the working class the most: rich business men (like Trump) are the ones who hire illegals to save money. Yet the Democrats openly advocate keeping them here, which makes it harder for working class types to get jobs.

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                    5 Replies
                    • LOL Trump has conducted himself, legally speaking, just fine so far. The thing is liberals find strength in groups and tend to be more extroverted with their actions, thus the incessant hate. Conservatives on the other hand are more lone wolf style, and usually keep their heads down. This was why you heard far fewer protests when Obama was president. It’s actually an interesting study, everyone should look into it. [spoiler]Sorry, all out of salt.[/spoiler]

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                      • ... The probabilities of this happening are astoundingly low, impeachment, I think really this will just give fuel to his "the media hates me" (which in all honesty is pretty damn clear at this point) and get him re-elected, would I prefer a different conservative? Sure, but just like last year, he's the lesser of two evils... [spoiler]not included in the DLC[/spoiler]

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                      • The two party system as a whole needs impeached.

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                      • I really don't care/dont know. People who want him impeached probably wanted him out of office way before any of this stuff. It silly to see how these fourms act when trump is mentioned. It brings out a beast in them, a ugly beast. People refer to themselves as "living under a regime". I find that dumb. These politics haven't affected me personally. It's all one big game to me, they like to scream that the rules aren't fair while breaking the "rules" themselves. Politicans have been breaking rules from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. I like trump in a way because no matter how much trouble happens he always fights back. While most politicians would've left a long time ago, he doesn't he fights. In conclusion take a good look at your lives. Has trump or anyone else ruined them. Or are you just exaggerating.

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                          My opinion? If you’ve already made that decision, one way or the other, then you don’t actually believe in the very things you guys sit here and argue over. Being a shit president isn’t grounds for impeachment. And none of us are in a position to determine if laws were broken. We have a justice system. Let it play out. And accept whatever the outcome is.

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                          7 Replies
                          • It's hard to make progress when the other partner is actively trying to sink the ship you're both on.

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                          • Edited by Partisan: 10/11/2019 6:35:16 PM
                            [quote]Does Trump deserve to be impeached[/quote] Sure [quote]I think he has probably done questionable things, maybe the whole Ukrainian phone call wasn't strictly "right", but it feels like he hasn't done anything more questionable than other recent Presidents. It really feels like libtards just can't repress their wet dreams about impeachment.[/quote] I don't think this is relevant to the question of whether or not the president has committed an impeachable offense [quote]I don't consider myself a conservacuck, and I'd like to vote democrat[/quote] Me too [quote]but it angers me that rather than focusing on how they could actually make the country better, and be better than Trump, they waste time on witch hunts rather than actually addressing the bigger issues[/quote] Since Democrats took the House, they have passed bills to limit lobbying and corruption in politics, lower prescription drug prices, protect patients with preexisting conditions, and offer free childcare to veterans, [url=]among a variety of other things[/url]. [quote]I won't be sad if The Big Orange Man does get impeached or looses the election[/quote] Me neither [quote]but the Democrats seem disconnected from the needs of the American people[/quote] Democrats won the House specifically by [url=]addressing the needs of the American people[/url], and various policies for [url=]healthcare[/url], [url=]taxes[/url], [url=]immigration[/url], etc. enjoy broad favorability. Meanwhile, the signature Republican legislation is not only [url=]net unfavorable[/url], but it actually polls 15 points lower than [url=]Obamacare[/url]. Speaking of which, the Republican plan to repeal and replace Obamacare was supported by a massive [url=]22% of Americans[/url]. [quote]Trump plays on those needs, the Democrats ignore them.[/quote] I'm skeptical that what working class, salt-of-the-earth, Real Americans in diners are most desperate for is [url=]indexing capital gains to inflation[/url], while themselves getting an [url=]effective tax increase from the trade war[/url].

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                            2 Replies
                            • Man just breeds conflict & nurtures it at every turn. Whether it’s trying to ban 1 billion people from entering the US or inciting violence [u]publicly over the internet for everyone to see[/u] he’s proven time & time again to play into hatred & if El Paso has proven anything, him & others like him are scarily good at it. His continued presence will just continue to breed hatred.

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                              • My view point is simple. I don't give two flying -blam!-s about the pricks who make a living out of furthering their agendas in this world of politics, which ever side they are on they only care about what gets them the votes. It's bad enough the company I work in has politics. Folks trying to undermine each other at every turn when they themselves always say " We are a team." That is why I have turned down numerous promotions to be apart of that upper echelon. That's the world we live in. As long as I get paid, keep my benefits and can have the things I want (including my guns). I keep my nose out of shit I've got no scent for. As a Texan I have no doubt that if the US truly went to shit, we could become a country on our own again. [spoiler]Before some dumbass calls me a "Gun-nut sister loving redneck" I'll have you know I grew up in the valley, been a ranch hand since my youth, my grandfather was a vaquero and his father before him. That's on my mother's side. My father's side has Polish/Huron Indian heritage. Unlike most folks I know my roots, I'm hella proud of them and I'm just as proud of my state's history. Sam Houston was a man unlike any other and if he was still around he would be ashamed of the current state of affairs beyond a doubt.[/spoiler] That's my two cents, take it or leave it.

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                                • 2
                                  Both sides are disconnected from the needs of the American people. The American people are disconnected from the needs of the American people.

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                                  • [spoiler]You son of a bitcaaah you actually did it[/spoiler]

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                                  • The dems started the witch hunt without any evidence and now they’re all crying in a corner because of the transcript. Trump is a pretty bad guy personally, but he was a good president in my opinion. Liberal media would say otherwise, but they’re the cancer of this country

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                                  • I thought this bait was pretty obvious but some poor souls took it seriously anyway. What a world.

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