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10/8/2019 9:36:26 PM

My goodbye to Bungie

After a good 10 years, i give up. This game is not going to be fixed, we have issues here that have existed since the launch of D1, the comedy of what bungie is now compared to 9 years ago is an absolute JOKE. This is my final note to the Destiny community, i love you guys but i cant stand playing this game anymore, all it is is just the constant cycle of Bungie doing nothing while pretending to be the best game dev ever. Im done. -Metal. PS, i know this is going to get downvoted into hell because people have stockholme syndrome for this dev so yeah i know whats gonna happen here.

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  • [quote]After a good 10 years, i give up. This game is not going to be fixed, we have issues here that have existed since the launch of D1, the comedy of what bungie is now compared to 9 years ago is an absolute JOKE. This is my final note to the Destiny community, i love you guys but i cant stand playing this game anymore, all it is is just the constant cycle of Bungie doing nothing while pretending to be the best game dev ever. Im done. -Metal. PS, i know this is going to get downvoted into hell because people have stockholme syndrome for this dev so yeah i know whats gonna happen here.[/quote] I’m almost here at this point too. After D2 is finished and Destiny 3 comes out, I may be saying goodbye to the series as well. I bought Shadowkeep and with all the Reskins of the Curse of Osiris Weapons with leafs of them, it just flat out lazy design. I hate Reskins so much. I want unique looking Weapons like in Borderlands not reskins.

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    3 Replies
    • This is great news, with you gone the game will be slightly better for everyone else 👍

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      4 Replies
      • Its for the best. Bungie is trash now.

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        20 Replies
        • Pretty sure I've seen posts like this a hundred times now. It's getting pretty boring.

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          1 Reply
          • Me too. Haven't played for quite a while, and I don't miss it. I went off Destiny 2 when they started nerfing, abilities, exotic weapons and armour, spelt with a U!. also legendary weapons.

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            1 Reply
            • I don't get why people think anyone at bungie even gives a care about a player leaving, much less enough to write this kind of thing. I don't know if it's being self absorbed and they just think that they're that important, or what but all they're doing is taking up room in the forums, that can be used for something actually beneficial to the devs. Besides it's not like it's just bungie that's used underhanded tactics. Pretty much every triple A company for the past 4-5 years has been doing this. It's a result of the gaming industry having no legal system for quality control and regulation. Now up until that 4-5 years ago it wasn't needed because industry self regulated. So why this guy acts like this is anything earth shattering is also beyond me.

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              2 Replies
              • Not being an ass when I tell you this. But go play borderlands 3 you will feel better. Having time away from the game will make you feel so much better trust me. I'm watching the game burn because shadow keep didn't fix anything an made everything worse.

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                5 Replies
                • It’s better with friends trust me 👍🏽

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                  3 Replies
                  • the game is still a shite fest, they wont make scout rifles competitive, they just screwed hand cannons up with the distance nerf, so still its a pulse or nothing, they block you moving up with stupid materials so when you can finally move up your more than less done with everything (WHATS THE POINT) shadow keep drops and you find out there is a hand full of guns worth having some are even blocked behind the raid … yeah, I think im done too

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                    1 Reply
                    • im with you. this game somehow got WORSE after activision left. this says a LOT about bungie. they tried blaming activision for all their problems, but the devs, and their lack of connection to reality, are the real problem. heres to not wasting another dime on this pay walled, MTX up the ass, crap show.

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                    • Another player bites the dust because Bungie hires ten year olds to make programming choices and doesn’t test their content before releasing. They’ve managed to break the game even more.

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                    • Edited by stonecold_venom1: 10/10/2019 4:53:57 AM
                      Well I loved D1 and miss the old D1 days even though I still play it for nostalgic reasons :D I have often wondered though what Bungie has literally done to D2 they went from a multi million dollar company and I know I'll catch flak from the fanboys for this but to a complete chaotic mess called D2, how? I mean seriously D1 was for the casual relaxation of getting together after work or on days off to get with your clan or friends and go blow crap up, now you have to spend 4000+ hours on this game to even get quest steps done, grind hard for certain weapons, armor looks something from a cartoon and drip feeding us new exotics like 1 or 2 if we are lucky each season :/ Basically it's a 2nd job with no real pay off except having a weapon that gets nerfed a few months later! Called me a whiner or whatever doesn't bother me because the facts still remain that Bungie is confused which direction to go and it shows in D2! My opinion though I speak only for myself.

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                    • Edited by theluckylotad: 10/10/2019 4:57:21 AM
                      [quote]After a good 10 years[/quote] You joined three years ago, thats when destiny 2 first launched. Please explain how you have been on here for ten years when you joined three years ago? Edit: it gets better. Your first recorded activity on your account was new light, [b][i][u]N E W L I G H T[/u][/i][/b] so your 100% lying about how long you’ve been playing. Your just a attention seeking -blam!-. Edit 2: IT GETS EVEN BETTER! This is the only post you have ever made on this account. How bad are you at this?

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                      3 Replies
                      • 3

                        e.g. "looking for 2 more" - old

                        I’m excited for new content but I quickly get to this realization of why am I grinding my light up when I hate iron banner and hardly do raids. I loved melting stroke bosses in d1 and I can’t stand playing strikes in this game because the lack of meaningful rewards on top of the fact they keep changing the way powerful gear is earned, shifting the crucible meta all the time and changing masterowkring/armor.. like what’s the point?

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                        • Edited by Spicy HOT Sploog: 10/13/2019 9:11:43 PM
                          I want to love this game, ive been playing Destiny since the D1 beta, but D2 is just constantly pushing me away. Crucible is getting pushed into my face more with grindier and grindier requirements, I feel like raids are taking even more of a back seat with some pieces of GoS being literal reskins of bright engram gear. Speaking of bright engrams, Eververse is taking a bigger and bigger place in the game with each expansion. Crucible will never get fixed because it will always be 2.5+ K/D gods shouting down normal people as they run around with recluse, heavy ammo, and unending/unkillable roaming supers. Loot sucks, no vendors or new guns, ive been scrapping the same boring, shitty weapons since year 1. My patience is about out for Bungie.

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                        • Yet another Guardian leaving because of Shadowkeep. Hoooo boy, what a great update this has been.

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                          10 Replies
                          • Bungie's marketing strategy causes gamer fatigue. Only 10% of the player base will complete the raid. Somebody at Bungie needs to rethink some things IMO.

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                            60 Replies
                            • I'm going to say this because I see a lot of comments talking about this. He's talking about 10 years of Bungie, not Destiny. Like good old Halo days Bungie.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Ignore the haters. A lot of people are clueless when it comes to the point of having a forum and a community. This is precisely the place to post things such as this, and while a lot of people will say "why would you post this here", "or good, no one needs you here", they are missing the point, and also ignoring the fact that no one is forcing them to read any post. Gaming is a hobby. Like Fantasy Football, music, watching TV, etc. There is nothing wrong with being passionate about that hobby. And the forums are most definitely a place to express that passion. Hope you find something else to enjoy, and come back to Destiny from time to time to see what is up. Ignore the a-holes. Cheers!

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                                10 Replies
                                • Well, farewell guardian. The problem is that bungie cant make up their mind. Look at shadowkeep, we already had intellect etc once then they took them away and once again we have these anoying stats here. It just tells that bungie dont know what to do with this game.

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • i cant upvote em enough if i tried ... theres alot that hes arguing that is very true. alot of people argue that everythings just fine the way it is.. and its not...

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                                  • Goodbye, You will be missed Sir/ma'am. To the rest of you, Cool your jets. The reason for leaving isn't unrealistic. Peoples interests change, Companies change. We change. Change isn't a bad thing, It welcomes in something new. If you want to light a fire under anyone ass. Light it under Bungies, Not theirs.

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                                    13 Replies
                                    • I'm with you I want nightfall like D1 Don't like doing 5 nightfall to get power Can't get myself to do 3 Hunt's for power I think free to play got more content then my 40$ did Don't like the battle pass They cut down on a lot of stuff and ways to get power Infuse is bad and that's what started my disappoint Maybe I'll be back one day... but for now time to play something else

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                                      8 Replies
                                      • I almost with you. All I want is to have fun with this game, but the community is beyond toxic anymore. If you have anything to say about crucible, matchmaking is beyond horrendous, all you get is "get good" without reading your problems. If you don't meet certain criteria, you can't get in a clan and if you do, typically no one helps. Raids... I haven't ran a raid because since I'm so inexperienced, people can't find a group because no one cares to teach. Oh well, maybe one day bungie will actually listen instead of doing the complete opposite of what players ask for.

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                                        11 Replies
                                        • I'm about to give up too. Im tired of recycled content over and over again.

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                                          • @Meytalhed I gave you voteup just based on this > ''people have stockholme syndrome for this dev''

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