Would really appreciate if clan member limit was increased from 100 to ~200, My clan's permanently capped at 100 actives (under 24h offline) and we don't really want to increase the moderation team to allow for a second clan, along with the fact nobody likes being in the "side" clan, they all prefer being in mains. But it'd be really appreciated if clan sizes could be increased.
Some of these comments really don't understand the point of the clan... It's to avoid in game LFG. You need more than 6 people because of conflicting schedules... "Why do you need that many, it's not like you can play with them at the same time." Ironically, that's the point but in a different way... not everyone can be on at the same time. Having more options means more lobbies which means more groups to play with and less waiting for the clan mates. Not considering different regions that might be involved. Or age levels (18yr old college kids from 20-30 year old working people). Not sure why people are against this... that's like saying vault space is bad...
What if... I commented.. on your post... Haha, just kidding... unless... 😳
The people saying no to this are clowns
100 is far too small for any large communities, and having multiple clans just kills the mood. in the meantime, they should also fix the issue where everyone in your clan looks offline unless they are on your friends list.
hot take. let us assemble our weeb armies bungie.
Jeez are there really clad out there that big? My biggest clan was...........4 including me.
100 is fine tbh. Most people in clans arent even active anyways.
Kounosuke You make some valid points and i agree that eververse must be removed from this game but, Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
I agree with this small man.
Bumping you dad
Ship man just send some of them my way
No. The point of a clan is to get to k own the people you play with. 100 is already to much
Lol. Looks at Warframe and their max 1000 member clans. Not to mention in game chat box that works extremely well. This all seems like common sense shit that Bungie cant grasp the concept of.
Split your 100 into 2 clans of 50 and you'll be fine
I just left a clan where the founder only ran with the same ONE individual, every single day. But he sent out clan invites like candy. It seemed to be all about his ego, than the clan itself. Never played with anyone else. Hopefully you wont be that kind of founder! 100 to me is enough, but 200 will take some micro- managing.
Can barely get in a clan with a consistent 6 people online....
you can only play with 3 or 6 at a time, there is no point. if they arent active kick them.
Is your clan a good clan? With good peeps?
To be fair larger clans have a tendency to fizzle out as only a few people tend to play with each other or they are there for the clan rewards.
I don’t understand why you need more than 100. If you have a well-managed Clan. With everyone active. You should easily get 30 people on an evening. Weekends around the same but for the whole day How many more people do you wanna play with.
I will never get how a 100ppl Clan is supposed to work out on a small-scale game like destiny. This is more like just a pool of people benefiting from the clan perks. Not really a living clan. But that might just be me.
I dunno, I don’t have an issue with it... [spoiler]im a solo clan, just made it for the name. This is just a joke in case you didn’t realize merely by the presence of a spoiler tag. 🤣 In truth it would actually be nice for bigger clans to be able to expand. Good luck on your quest! [/spoiler]
Do you even know all of your clan members or do you just run with the same 6 people most of the time? And the fill ins when needed.
101 members will break the game not even joking
... Yeah cause 100 people isn't enough lol