So hes complaining that the system isnt as good as it could be and you want to sit there bleeting about how people are never happy?
The system needs more work to be much better, hes offering solutions, gotta love the people who try to talk down to those asking for changes that make the game better and then later enjoy the changes that were made haha, we had the same sort of people like you who sat there and said we didnt need a transmog system as well...
Ah the consummate defender i was wondering when you would show up trying to demonize me for having my own opinion so i'll say this why are u (bleeting) me for having my own opinion of his opinion, you are trying to defend him while accusing me while doing exactly what u say im doing. i am impressed
[quote]Ah the consummate defender[/quote]The irony is hilarious, you literally are a bungie defender haha [quote][m i was wondering when you would show up trying to demonize me for having my own opinion so i'll say this why are u (bleeting) me for having my own opinion of his opinion, you are trying to defend him while accusing me while doing exactly what u say im doing. i am impressed[/quote] Having your own opinion? You literally are trying to be against something that has zero downsides - a post about removing restrictions that are completely unnecessary. Smh
I am not defending Bungie i have just been playing games for quite some time now and i know there was no way they were gonna go oh its launch day ppl don't like this system lets scrap it and start over it all happened after the first maintenance IN EVERY GAME EVER the first maintenance is when u realize if they care or not they have the benefit of the doubt until they had their first opportunity to make adjustments, and lastly i see nothing wrong with the new armor system its taking a bit of getting used to but with time im sure i can get it to work the way i want it is not my focus now especially since im constantly getting upgraded gear and im changed pieces every few hours thats why it makes 0 sense to try mod stuff till you're actually at the end game cause you will be wasting more mats on incremental upgrades thats the biggest grip i see ppl are not planning how to upgrade. but i do see it as a downside if the moment someone doesn't like something it has to all be clanged and revamped. i see the complaints but there are more ppl enjoying this new system than the ones who hate it which is why i said let us wait till after the first maintenance before u try to crucify them
Ok clearly you didnt read the first part of the ops thread. I (and him) are talking about the decision to lock mods such as unflinching sniper, hand cannon targeting and all the others behind specific elemental mods. If you get an amazingly rolled piece such as one that has intellect and discipline but the armor is locked to solar for example you cannot pair it with hand cannon targeting - making the armor piece useless if you prefer to use hand cannons...
And this is where i will point this out gear can randomly roll and any of the elements its designed so u can farm out what u are looking for i have had the exact same piece of gear drop with 2 different elements meaning there is a chance than u can get the gear to roll with 1 of the 3 now that's the part i dislike where u are more dependent on rng but it does not make it impossible for u to make your build the way u want it just may take time and luck, but i also understand why they made it that way , they are pushing the make the game more like an mmorpg and until people realize the direction they are aiming for the more likely there will be people who dislike the system. Personally i am not a huge fan of it but i can function and play the game the way i want too, i'll say this one last time. Wait until maintenance and see what they do.
Firstly just because you can get more rolls until you find other elements on things doesnt mean those other rolls with have the same stat values you want. It makes something unnecessarily grindy for no reason. Secondly if you yourself dislike it why are you trying to shut op down with comments like those that you made? Thirdly maintenance won't do anything if bungie dont know what issues we have with the features, posts like this only help that